

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Trip to Logan

Today we spent the day in Logan.
First I dropped my kids off at my sister, Tawn's, house and then I went to visit my Grandma Dora. She lives in the Alzheimer's unit in the nursing home and it is often hard to see her so confused about what's going on in her life. However, today was a fairly good day for her. I only heard her swear once!! :) She called me Tawn several times, but at least she knew I was her granddaughter. And when I told her I thought her lunch looked delicious she said, "Then YOU eat it!!" And she got a good laugh out of herself on that one! I told her I liked visiting her and she asked me why. I told her it's because she's my Grandma! She said, "I guess that's not gonna change any time soon." I told her she was my Grandma forever. Then I told her the other reason I liked visiting her was because I loved her....and that I will love her forever! She seemed to find a bit of comfort in that. I'm glad I had the little bit of time I did with her today.

Then the kids and I went to lunch with a couple of my Beauty School friends!! And Tawn and Alyssa joined us. It was SO much FUN!! I have not seen those friends in YEARS and it was great chatting and catching up. They are some of the best of friends! But next time I think they should come down here when Gary can watch the kids and we can have a GIRL'S NIGHT!!

Afterwards we just went back to Tawn's to hang out. The kids were playing SO good together in the basement and when we finally got around to checking on them we discovered a DISASTER! It was such a HUGE mess!! So, we all helped to clean up the basement, but then we could only find 1 of Kyri's shoes. We spent 20 minutes looking for it and then decided to go without.

Then we went over to Dustin (Gary's brother) and Cassidy's house. Kyri and Gray had SO much fun playing with their cousins, Rylee and Miles. It's been a couple months since we've seen them so it was fun to just play!

We decided we need to go to Logan more was just SO much FUN!!

Oh and Kyri said some pretty funny things on the way home. First, we stopped to get a Kid's Meal from Wendy's the kids could eat for dinner on the way home. This is not the funny part. I wanted the kids to just share one, but I knew they would both want a frosty so I asked the lady if I could get a frosty instead of a drink. She said, "It already comes with a frosty." I said, "I know, I want 2, so can I get one instead of a drink?" She told me no because the frosty is complimentary. I told her I'm still paying her, but would like a frosty instead. She told me no. So, I asked if I could not get a drink and pay less for the Happy Meal. She told me no. I was going to get a frosty for myself, but I was irritated with her so I just went over to Charlie's and got a raspberry/Reese's PB shake :)
Anyway, so after Gray ate ALL his food and was going to town on the ONE frosty Kyri said, "HEY! Someone took my chicken nugget!!" I just started laughing and asked if she dropped it or something. She said, "No, because I can't find it ANYWHERE!!" A couple minutes later she said, "I think I actually already ate my other chicken nugget!"
Silly girl!

Then I had to stop in Brigham City to feed Tanzi and Gary called. YEA! When I was done I put her back in her car seat and away we went. Tanzi was being good and very happy. About 1 minute later she just started screaming. I said, "What happened?" And Kyri told me, "I just said, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
No wonder she's screaming.
We have all 3 car seats in the back of our Accord.
Kyri can get RIGHT in Tanzi's face.
And apparently she did.
Needless to say it was time to end my conversation with Gary.
I think she was kinda ticked at soon as Kyri fell asleep (20 minutes later) Tanzi quit crying and was great for the last 10 minutes of the car ride.


Lindsay said...

Sounds like a crazy day! Your kiddos are so cute.