

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Missing My Family

I didn't want to miss out on all the fun so I figured I would put a post on the Blog. This past week has been more difficult than I thought. This is the first trip I have been on this entire year so I can't really complain too much. I do like to travel, but I really hate leaving the family. I'm glad Mauri is such a super-MOM and can handle all three kids by herself.

As Mauri mentioned, I have been in Charlotte, NC for the past week and will be here for another week. This is my first time out here and it has actually been a pretty fun experience. I am learning how to use my southern accent and learning a few new words I had never heard before. I have had to eat out every day which hasn't helped me maintain the 25 lbs I had lost. I do try to work out in the fitness center at the hotel and I really like swimming. There isn't usually anyone in the pool so I practice all the different swimming strokes. The other day, someone apparently had been spying on me while I was swimming and commented as I was walking back to my room, "That is a nice butterfly you have." I thought it was kind of funny.

I'll keep it short, but just wanted to tell Mauri and the kids how much I love and miss them. This last week better start going faster than it is right now. I am anxious to get home with lots of hugs and kisses for the entire family.


Gary and Mauri said...

Ahh...we miss you too!! The first week went by SO fast, so why does this week have to be DRAGGING?!?! Thanks for the sweet post!! I LOVE YOU!!!