

Friday, September 9, 2011

Another Day

This morning I told the kids that if they helped me clean the house today then tomorrow we would have a movie day with popcorn and M &M's.

This was them "cleaning"
I decided it would be better to turn the TV on for them to distract them so I could clean. Even Tanzi watched an entire episode of Word World (she LOVES watching TV...our other 2 never loved it at this age. In fact, Graysen still doesn't love watching TV)...I got A LOT done! But I DID leave a little for the kids to clean. They were happy to do it! And so later we went to the store to get some M & M's. Not to mention to price match diapers at WalMart that were on sale at ToysRUs for only $5 and then I had coupons for $2 off! Not a bad deal! That is when I wish I got like 5 Sunday papers! (at least)

Tanzi did NOT have a good night last night. I'm not sure what to do. Tonight I'm going to try and let her cry longer when she wakes up between 10 & 11. We'll see how it goes. She did, however, take a 3 hour nap today...but I think I prefer my sleep at night. While Tanzi and Gray were sleeping Kyri and I read Ratatouille since that's the movie we'll be watching tomorrow for movie day. None of us have seen the movie, we just got it on Netflix, so we're pretty excited! Then we painted our fingernails and toenails!
I love girl time!!

Tonight I actually made dinner.
Since Gary's been gone I've been making sandwiches and cheese tortillas and such for dinner. Tonight we had ranch chicken, mashed potatoes, and yellow squash from our neighbor.

When we were getting ready to go to the store Graysen grabbed his hat and Kyri grabbed her "Wolf hat from preschool"
(not sure where she got "wolf" is clearly a lion!)
Yes, I let her wear it to the store.
Why not?
I'm not ashamed of my CUTE kids!

Normally on Friday nights I love to watch the murder mysteries that come on Dateline.
I'm addicted.
I LOVE them!
I'm crazy!
But I can't watch them while Gary's gone.
It freaks me out too much and then I can't sleep.
So, I'm glad that tonight Dateline is about 9/11 That's something I can watch by myself...I think...and this way I'm not tempted to watch a murder mystery by myself!
With a clean house (mostly...and I LOVE when I have a recently vacuumed house) I am officially ready to RELAX!