

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Red Day

Remember when Tanzi was going 9-11 hours between feeds?!
I miss those nights.
I miss my sleep.
Tanzi was back to her routine of waking up around 11-ish. So, last night I just let her cry.
A lot.
It makes me SO sad to listen to her cry. She cries SO hard! But I feel like it will be worth it if she will go back to sleeping 9+ hours!
Last night I had a time I would let her cry until. If she was still crying at that time I was going to go get her (and feed her, I'm sure). She finally fell asleep 2 minutes before my deadline. Then I couldn't sleep after that. I'm hoping for a better night.

Today I watched all 4 of Ms Kate's kids again.
You see, the elementary school here is year round. So, the kids have 6-9 weeks in school and then 3 weeks off. This is the last of the 3 weeks.
The boys just played Sorry the entire time....that made things easy for me :)

Then we all (Ms Kate's 4 kids, Graysen, Tanzi and myself) went to the last few minutes of preschool. Since Kyri just had a birthday I got to "spotlight" her. I just said a few things about her and then read The Birthday Monsters by Sandra Boynton.
My kids LOVE that book and I thought it would be perfect for the birthday girl...and for ten 3 year olds :)
Today was Red Day at preschool. All the kids wore red. Even all of Ms Kate's kids wore red was pretty cute!

Here's the birthday treats I made for preschool....they were a much bigger hit than the birthday cupcakes.
I decided to make red frosting and put on a red M& go along with Red Day
Kyri doesn't own very much red. So, here she is in her red short shorts!
Graysen was SO cute today!!
When I told him it was time to go to preschool he just had to wear his backpack...even though it's just next door. And he wore it the entire time we were there. He just followed Kyri around and sat by her and did what she did for the 15 minutes we were there. I can't wait for him to actually be able to go to preschool next year!!

While Graysen and Tanzi napped Kyri and I worked on her "workbooks".
I am so amazed at how smart she is!!
She knows and recognizes all the letters and knows what sound they all make. Today she would look at a picture, say the word and then tell me what letter it starts with. I'm sure she is no smarter than any other 4 year old, but it sure makes a mama proud to see her little girl wanting to learn and for her to really be excelling!

We were playing in the front yard when Gary got home from work, so he decided to wash the car. Of course he had 2 very good helpers.
Then I made waffles for dinner with buttermilk syrup, or candy syrup as my kids like to call it. Yep, we still need to go grocery shopping. Looks like I will be making a menu very soon.

As I'm typing this my clock says 9:37...and I hear Tanzi crying in her room....looks like it's gonna be a long night.
When she was sleeping so well for those few days she was also burping good during the day and having multiple stinky diapers a day. She is no longer doing either of those. And I think it makes a HUGE difference in how she feels and then, hence, how she sleeps.
What can I do to help my baby with her gas?
I have tried gas drops, gripe water, and spend tons of time just trying to help her get it all out.
What else is left?
The kids have doctor appointments next week. I'm hoping the doc will have some great advice, but not really counting on it since this is a problem we've had since Tanzi came home from the hospital and we have found no cures thus far.
Please, baby, just go back to sleep!

Happy Red Day!

PS - So, I already posted this and then something funny just happened.
I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and Kyri came walking in. She was squinting (from the light) and said, "I'm thirsty." Then just a second later (as per usual) Gray appears in the doorway. He just closed his eyes and held out his hands...without saying a word!! Haha. And apparently I wasn't fast enough getting him a drink because he peeked his eyes open and sort of grunted.
And whenever Kyri wakes up in the night, even if it's 3 am, she talks my ear off! I always take her to the potty and try to keep my words to a minimum if I even speak at all, but she thinks it is the perfect time to strike up a lengthy conversation!
So, all 3 kids have awakened before 10pm.
Let us hope it is not signs of things to come!