

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's Thursday!!

I have a sore throat.
I hate not feeling well. Tanzi has been kind of fussy the last couple days too and I'm really hoping she doesn't have it too! She still slept good last night...til 3 am. Not her best night, but I'm definitely not going to complain! I am just SO happy she is sleeping better!
Jade came to play today.
The kids like having someone else to play with.

Last night Kyri dumped both toy boxes out.
The house was a disaster, but the kids sure had fun!!
They called them their "sleeping boxes"
Crazy kids!!
Graysen has been talking SO much lately.
And he says the cutest things!!
One of my favorite conversations to have with Gray is this:
Me: "Graysen, guess what!"
Gray: "What?"
Me: "I love you!"
Gray: "Mommy, guess what?"
Me: "What?"
Gray: "Me love you too!!"
Lately we have been trying to get Graysen to say "I" instead of "me". He just won't do it.
Can't do it.
Me: "Say 'I' "
Gray: "I"
Me: "I love you!"
Gray: "Me love you!!"

Today while Tanzi and Gray slept Kyri and I finished the noise makers!!
We colored rice a bunch of different colors
I think they turned out pretty good for a not-so-crafty person, like myself!
Kyri is getting really excited for her party!
Any suggestions for games to play with 12 four year olds?
Duck, Duck, Goose is all I got so far!
I need to go to the store to get a few things to make some delicious cupcakes for her party.
I'm not the best entertainer (especially when it comes to little kids) but I'm excited about this party simply because Kyri is so excited! I LOVE seeing my kids happy!

Gary went and played basketball last night and is gone playing volleyball tonight.
Did I say my husband came home this week?
I lied.
No, actually, I'm glad he's been able to go play ball. He LOVES it. And since I'm not feeling well then tonight I'm just going to take a nice long bath, read my book, and go to bed. So, he's having a much better time than he would be having here anyway. Not to mention the loads of homework Gary has. So, if he were here he would be busy with schoolwork. Better to procrastinate as long as possible. That's what I always say! Plus, Gary has been getting home from work fairly early, so we have some good quality time together as a family. I LOVE when Gary comes home early (mostly because it means he'll cook dinner, but don't tell him that :) )


Joel & McKell said...

The rice turned out really good! I would have just done one color, you went above and beyond haha :) The kids will love them!