

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Tanzi had a terrible night.
Maybe she got this cold that I've got. But she was acting like her tummy hurt.
I don't know!
Kyri woke up at 5:00 this morning. I had her go potty and then get right back in bed. As she was getting in bed Gray woke up. I thought, "Surely they will both go back to's still the middle of the night...practically!"
Right after that Tanzi woke up and I fed her. Right as I was finishing up I could hear Kyri and Gray talking. I walk into the hall and realize their light is on!!!
Yep, they just decided to get up and PLAY at 5 am!!
I was NOT happy!
I turned their light off and told them to go back to bed.
That didn't last long! They never did go back to sleep.
So, Graysen took a nap at 9:30 this morning and Kyri took one at 10:00
Unfortunately, I did NOT get a nap...and my cold has progressed into something that I do NOT like! I felt ok until about 4:00 this afternoon....and now I'm miserable.
So, with that said, I'm going to TRY to go to bed
and post about Kyri's birthday party tomorrow.
Let's hope the kids sleep in a bit later tomorrow!