

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Last night Tanzi had the best night...EVER!
She did wake up right as I had just fallen asleep at 10:45!
How does she ALWAYS know when I'm going to sleep? For an entire week she has done that, whether it's been 10 or 11....she knows!
Well, I let her cry, just like I told her I would.
She cried really hard for 10 minutes, then she sort of fussed for 5 minutes and then went back to sleep.
She didn't wake up to eat until 3 am! She went 9 hours between feeds!!
Well, I made it through church without Gary today!
The kids looked SO cute for church...I just had to take a picture :)

It's impossible to get a pefect picture, but I still think this is pretty stinkin cute!

I just wanted to share a few thoughts.

These last few days I have been really appreciating all the 9/11 tributes.

I'm pretty sure everyone can remember that day and has a story about exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the horrifying news. Here's my story:

I ate peaches for breakfast.

I remember as I was eating I felt sick. Not like I was ill, but it was as if I new something was wrong. Terribly wrong. After eating only half my bowl of peaches I proceeded to get ready to go to beauty school with my roommate, Jacque. Shortly after breakfast my mom called. Through her tears she informed me of what had just happened. I remember asking, "What does this mean?!?!" I believe she told me something along the lines of a terrorist attack...I don't remember the exact conversation, but I do remember that she also informed me that my family was unable to contact my brother, who lived in NY at the time, and his wife, who worked 3 blocks from the World Trade Center.

Jacque and I wondered how we would make it through our day at school, but then we were just sure that school would be cancelled. School was not cancelled. There we were, doing hair, while people's lives were crashing down around them. Literally.

I later learned that my brother was ok. But was still unable to contact his wife. It wasn't until hours later that we heard that she was ok. Pregnant and on her way to work, after getting off the subway she had to immediately start running as the first tower came crashing down. She had to walk hours out of the city. And, after some of those hours her sister, in Hong Kong, was finally able to contact her and was then able to call my brother and let him know she was ok. But was she really ok? Were any of us really ok after experiencing and watching such horror unfold before our eyes?

We all have a story. This is mine as I remember it. And now, 10 years later the world pays tribute to that day. A day that will never be forgotten. But what I can't help but think is how evil this world is. The adversary loves more than anything to attck the family. Well, that's just what he did on 9/11 ten years ago....and that's what he's doing today. Not only did he steal the lives of so many on that day, but so many families are still being effected because of that day. During one of these many programs on TV today I heard a man say, "I'm not a fireman no more because of 9/11. Umm....I'm not married no more because of 9/11." My hreat broke....for this man. He didn't lose his life that day, nor did he lose his wife. But that family has been broken since. What power this evil has. How grateful I am for the gospel and for my ETERNAL family! How truly grateful I am for the Savior and how He is holding my family TOGETHER!!