

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First Trip to the ER

Well, I suppose it was bound to happen some time.
It's just unfortunate that it had to happen shortly after getting home from an AWESOME weekend and while we were enjoying the warm weather.

Kyri got a new bike for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa from Bunkerville and just last week we bought her a new helmet and knee pads. Today was her first time trying them out. And, boy, was she pretty awesome on her bike!!

I'm not exactly sure what happened, even though I was standing right there watching it all go down. It just happened SO fast! But somehow Kyri fell off her bike and ended up under Gary's bike!
She started screaming (as one might expect), so Gary picked her up and then I noticed that blood was dripping from her head!!
Gary ran into the house with Kyri and I was right behind him and Graysen was right behind me. After taking Kyri's helmet off and deciding she probably needed stitches, I realized we left Tanzi outside, by herself, on Graysen's "bike".
She was waiting patiently for someone to come get her off.

Here's Kyri just before we left for the ER.
It may not look too bad, but she took a chunk of skin out, so it was good we decided to take her to the hospital.
Loving her special bed, but kind of ticked that the nurse told her he was taking her into a room with a TV, yet there was no remote to be found.
She asked both the doctor and then the next nurse, "Where's the remotes?!"
Patiently waiting her turn
They didn't think they would need to inject the numbing solution, so they just put on a topical one, which Kyri was not too happy about
A remote...YEA!!
There were no kid shows on at first, which Kyri was really sad about, but then she found Arthur and when that was over she found Jeopardy and told me, "That is so AWESOME that Jeopardy is on!!" :)
After having the topical numbing solution on for an hour it STILL wasn't numb, so they did actually have to inject it. This was by FAR the worst of it all. She kept yelling at the doctor to stop! It broke my heart :(
I wish you could see better in this picture how gross it was. After they injected her the gash in her head looked so much bigger and deeper! It was NASTY!! But she did get 2 suckers after this :)
As it was numbing it was oozing.
I got woozy.
I have never felt so nauseous at the sight of blood before. I had to sit down...and I NEARLY passed out!
I told Kyri she looked like Gretel with her "hat" on. She doesn't know that story so she didn't think it was too funny.
But when I told her she looked like a one-eyed monster she thought that was pretty humorous
Stitching her up
4 stitches in all
Since I was feeling so woozy they brought me some juice and put a cold wash cloth on the back of my neck.
Kyri got juice too, of course!
After seeing her stitches in the mirror Kyri cried a lot and told us she didn't want stitches and that she wanted us to take them out.
She doesn't get them out for 5-7 days

We were at the hospital for over 2 hours!! For 4 stitches!! It was ridiculous!!
But while we were there and were patiently waiting in our room we heard a kid yelling and cussing up a storm and I heard a police officer tell him "I don't want to have to hurt you". And then we heard things banging around. I think maybe he actually did get hurt. I closed our door. Then Kyri and I both needed to go potty so I opened the door, but before we even got out of our room there was more yelling and I noticed at least 4 cops by the next room. A nurse came running toward us and pushed me back into our room and told us to "STAY IN THIS ROOM!!" After a while I couldn't hear anything anymore and I REALLY had to pee, so I opened the door again and peeked out. No one said anything, so out we went....we walked past the four cops and they didn't say anything, so we were in the clear. The hall wreaked of alcohol and drugs. On our way back to our room I noticed there were one or two more police officers in this dude's room. Shortly after this our doctor came into our room and apologized for it taking so long and explained that it was because of the dude next door. Then he told me that a different doctor would come in and stitch Kyri up. And that's what happened. Our timing for going to the ER could not have been worse, but at least we have more to our story than just blood, I suppose. And at least we got to watch Jeopardy and part of Wheel of Fortune - the highlight for Kyri, I think.

More pictures to come, since there may be a nice bruise shining through tomorrow.