

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Birthday Bash

Saturday September 17 was Kyri's birthday party!

Happy the party is about to start
Pleased to be wearing party hats
Kyri and her friends
(starting with the girl in pink and going clockwise: Sadie, Kolton, Kyri, Davis, Elaina, Graysen, Henry, Blair, Megan, Teagon, and Lex is lying down in the middle)
I LOVE this picture.
Gray was so cute watching Kyri open her presents and never wishing it were him!
What a great brother!!
Kyri was very spoiled!
Her friends all gave her such FUN, cute presents!!
Getting ready to play Red Light, Green Light
Playing with all the toys Kyri got from her friends
Shaking their noise makers, which turned out to be a huge hit!!
Here's the cupcakes I mentioned earlier.
They look delicious, right?
Well, my kids are the ONLY ones who ate them! All the other kids told me they didn't like them and threw them away!!
I think it's because the frosting is not what kids are used to. While I was a bit disappointed that the kids all hated the cupcakes, I was happy to see MY kids eating them, which means that not only are they NOT picky eaters, but they are accustomed to eating such a variety of foods.
Thanks Kyri and Graysen
I think Kyri had a REALLY fun party!!
It was only 2 hours long, but afterward Gary said, "I could never have a calling in Primary!!" Haha!! It is NOT easy to entertain and keep happy twelve 4 year olds, BUT it was great to see Kyri interacting with her friends and being SO happy they were here!! Next year we will look into a fun center....or something :)