

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

He's HOME!!

What a great day!
This morning we watched Jade, even though it's not Wednesday.
We played outside.
The kids rode bikes, did sidewalk chalk, and just ran around.
Then, after lunch Tanzi and Gray took a nap.
I did workbooks with Kyri. A while ago I bought 12 workbooks for about $.75 each and I just barely got done putting each page into a sheet protector so the kids can use dry erase markers on them and use them...forever! Kyri has had a lot of fun with them so far.
Then around 3:30 came the moment we have been waiting for for over 2 weeks!
That's right Gary came home!!
I wish I would have thought to take a picture of the kids when he got here because they were SO excited to see him!!
It was SO nice to see him and have him home.
After he got here we went to the mall to pick up some shoes we ordered online. 2 pairs for both Gary and Graysen.
Then...wait for it.....I actually made dinner!!
I was SO ready for a REAL meal! And I think Gary was happy to not eat out.
I made tortellini casserole.
Simple and delicious!!

Kyri and Graysen were being cute in the tub
I really can not tell you just how happy I am to have Gary home!
He does SO much to help out around the house. I really realized that when I had to do it all by myself. I hope he knows how much I LOVE him!!
He recently got put into the Young Men in our ward and their activities are on Tuesdays, but they told him he didn't have to go tonight...and I'm SO glad he decided not to because I have LOVED just having him home. With me.

By the way, I HAVE to mention how Tanzi did last night.
She woke up around 11:30 and cried for only about 2 minutes.
Then she slept until 5 am!!
She went 11 hours between feeds!!!
Is this my baby who only a week ago was up every 2 hours...eating?!?!
AS hard as it is to just let her cry it has been SO worth it!!