

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday Catch-Up

Today was a cleaning day!
As a mom it seems like picking up, cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, dishes etc are NEVER ending. However, it always feels good to have everything clean....if only for a moment.
So, I bribed Kyri and Graysen and told them that if they helped me clean then after naps we could watch a movie. I like doing things like that because I feel like I sort of neglect my children while I clean and so I make it up to them by snuggling them during a movie!
First, Kyri spent a lot of time in time-out, but then she decided to earn the movie and the kids were both great helpers!!
The house looked FABULOUS!!
I even managed to pre-make dinner, so that we could just throw it in the oven when it was time.
I felt like I had a really productive day!

Gary got home while we were watching our movie, so he and I swapped places. He watched the movie and snuggled the girls on the bean bag while I went to the store. Gray decided to go with me. I needed to go to Target to get a gift card for a friend's wedding.
Target has a TON of things on clearance.
I got carried away.
I bought Graysen a cute blanket set and matching lamp....among a few other things that were on sale.
Had I paid full price for everything I bought it would have been about $137
I only paid $38!!
(the bed set alone was regularly $60)
I can't pass up a good deal!
I was tempted to buy a lot more stuff, even though we did NOT need it, simply because it was such an AWESOME deal. You never know when someone will need it!
I refrained.
I got home and realized that in my excitement to find such awesome deals...
I forgot to get the gift card!!!

Gary worked on finishing a paper for school while I watched The X Factor, folded laundry, and made cookies!!
Then I read my book, The Book Thief, until my eyes burned and I could no longer keep them open.