

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Quick Look at Our Day

- Actually got to work out today...AND go for a walk!!
-Banana bread for breakfast
- Longest time ever at playgroup today! 2 hours, outside at the park. We loved EVERY minute of it!
- Made dinner for a family in the ward. Tortellini casserole, bread sticks, and spinach & strawberry salad.
- The BEST tortellini casserole AND bread sticks I've ever made! Ever! (Sorry Gary!)
- Ate WAY too much of my yummy, unhealthy dinner :)
- During nap time Graysen managed to get a bloody nose, which got ALL over his pillow, sheets, blanket, oh and his hands, face AND wall. How? I asked. From picking his nose!!
- Gray's nose bled the rest of the afternoon!
- Tanzi got her first haircut today......from Kyri!
- I got pretty mad that Kyri cut Tanzi's hair!! (a first cutting of the hair by a child in this house)
- After Kyri sat in time out for a while I went to talk to her. The following is the conversation we had:

Me; "Why are you in time out?"
Kyri: "For cutting Tanzi's hair."
Me: "Yeah, does that make mommy happy?"
Kyri: "No."
Me: "Does it make YOU happy?"
Kyri: "No."
Me: "Does it make Heavenly Father and Jesus happy?"
Kyri: "No......but it makes Satan happy!!" (smile)
Me: "Yeah, it does, but why would you want to make him happy?" (disappointed)
Kyri: "Because he wants to be nice and happy!!"
Me: "No, Kyri, he does NOT want to be nice!! So, don't do things that will make him happy!!"
Me: "So, why did you cut Tanzi's hair?"
Kyri: "Because you weren't looking!"
Me: "I wasn't looking so you decided to do something naughty?!"
Kyri: "Yep!"
Me: "Why?!"
Kyri: "Because when you're not looking I always do naughty things!"

Oh dear.


Jimmy, Megs and Braylee said...

Oh Mauri, as frustrated as you probably are about kyri cutting tanzi's hair, your conversation made my day!! As I read it I could hear Kyri talking which made the whole thing even better!! Thanks for sharing!!

Todd and Heather said...

oh i love this story. She is very smart. Better keep and eye on her ;)

Jolene said...

Teeheehee! Sorry - it IS dang cute and funny too. Plus - she's usually a pretty good kid :)