

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Shortly before my parent's left for their mission we met up with them at a park in Brigham City. Tawn and I had planned to meet up to let the kids play and so we could just hang out. And it just so happened that my parents were meeting my grandparents and aunts and uncles in Brigham for dinner. So, they just came early so they could spend time with us too!!

Everyone was pleased to be there...even though it was kind of cold and windy

Those look like 2 happy grandparents to me :)

This is how Tanzi spent most of her time

Grampy helped the kids find "porcupine eggs"

Well, this was the night after Kyri got her stitches out (a week later, mind you, and I'm just barely getting around to posting it....Oops!!)

Waiting in the ER
Silly girl
And she will still tell you that "the last one hurt! Cuz' it was stuck...and it hurt BAD!!"
But not nearly as bad as when she had to get the stitches

Kyri took this picture to prove that Grammy and I were there :)

And then my camera battery died, so I didn't actually get any pictures of them taking the stitches out.
Now, whenever Kyri gets hurt we will ask if it hurts as bad as when she had to get stitches. She always says no, so we tell her she's going to be okay and she can stop crying :) However, many-a-time when Graysen gets hurt he will say, "It hurts as bad as Kyri's stitches!!" if he knows how that felt!! Silly boy!!

Tanzi giving "the evil eye"
 I'm pretty sure this is the last picture we have of Tanzi drinking from a bottle. I always thought it would be hard to ween a baby from a bottle, but it was so SO easy!! Here's to hoping that I will say the same after potty training her :)

Green Smoothie face!!
(yes, my kids LOVE green smoothies....I haven't yet convinced Gary to try one, but how can you resist when you look like this afterward?)

Waiting for Daddy to come home from work

Play-dough hat that Kyri's friend, Aubrey, put on her. I asked if she (Aubrey) would put it on so I could take a picture. She said, "No, because my mom did my hair today."
Well, although it's rare, I also did Kyri's hair this day. Funny girls!!

Nothin' like a good ol' chalk nose

Graysen came in one night after bath wearing this.
A tank top on backwards with pants that are to small and, therefore, look like capris.
And Kyri's hair looks like a rat's nest.
Our kids are the COOLEST!!
LOVE them :)

She got herself stuck and was kinda ticked that we were all laughing at her and she could not get herself unstuck