

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Off to a Not-So-Great Start

Well, this morning has been anything but good.
Graysen woke up at 5am, Kyri at 5:30, and Tanzi at 6!
I wish I knew.
Or, better yet, I wish they would have gone back to sleep.
Yesterday was the hottest day of the year, which meant my bedroom last night was the hottest it's been all year too. Which means I didn't sleep well.
And now I am oh SO grumpy!!
I have already yelled at my kids WAY too much today. I don't like raising my voice at them, but I had NO control this morning.
I lost it.
So, I yelled. 
I have made all my kids cry this morning.
They have yelled, screamed, hit, kicked, pinched, and every other mean thing you can think of to each other this morning.
I didn't work out.
I didn't go for a walk.
Oh, but I did get puked on.
ALL over.
That's right.
Tanzi threw up ALL over me, ALL over the carpet, ALL over the bathroom.
I can't get the smell out of my nose.
I wish I had someone to complain to.
This is the best I got.
So, here ya go!
I know not every day will be awful while Gary's gone, but we're sure off to a rough start!!


Jimmy, Megs and Braylee said...

Oh Mauri, I'm sorry to hear about your day, but in a way I'm happy to read this post! This sounds like the last few days for me and so I was so happy to see that I am not the only one who loses it sometimes. Thanks for your honesty and for sharing!! Love you guys!