

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What a Day!!

Well, Gary left at 5:00am. And I have a very good feeling that any sanity that was in this house left with him.

Right after waking up I was snuggling the kids in my bed. Graysen decided he wanted to jump off my bed. Our bed is kind of high, but Gray has jumped off our bed a bunch of times, including just last night. So, I didn't think anything of it.....until I saw him jump. It wasn't really a jump, actually. His feet never came up off the bed. He simply leaned forward and did a face plant right onto the floor! His nose started bleeding. Gushing, really. He cried and cried (surprise surprise) for his daddy!!
Aahhh....what a great start to the day!!

Then, while I was making lunch (another green smoothie, in case you're wondering), Kyri slipped on the stool she was standing on, but was supposed to be sitting on, and hit her lip on the counter. I was really worried because not only was it bleeding on the inside, but on the outside as well. It cut all the way through!! I thought we were going to be taking another trip to the ER. When it finally stopped bleeding, however, I could see that it did not need stitches, but it was a really nasty cut. It started bruising and swelling immediately, but by tonight some of the swelling had gone down.

When I was talking to Kyri about taking her to the doctor she said, "Can we finish making our smoothie first?" When I told her no she said, "I just want it to be okay! I don't want it to be bad when we get back!" That's when I knew that maybe the cut wasn't as bad as I initially thought 

Gary asked when Tanzi was going to show some blood. Well, she showed me something else instead.
I heard Kyri say, "Uh oh"
I asked if Tanzi was in the bathroom.
She nodded to confirm my germy thoughts.
Then, as I'm walking toward the bathroom I asked if she was in the toilet (which has become a constant for Tanzi lately)
Kyri said, "No, she has a MUCH better surprise!!"
And this is what I found:

Surprise....the entire roll is on the floor!!

I have a feeling it's gonna be a LONG 3 weeks while Gary is gone.

Tanzi has been trying to walk more

And how can you stay mad at a face as so stinkin' cute as this?

I can't.