

Thursday, May 24, 2012

When It Rains It Pours

Today started off really pretty great!
Graysen woke up at 6:00 (not so great), but Kyri slept until 6:45 and Tanzi til 7!
The kids were all happy to eat some new cereal we bought at the store yesterday while I worked out.
We met my friend, Rachel, for lunch today at Zupas.
Not only do we all LOVE Zupas, but it's always good to catch up with friends. Rachel has been such a good friend for a long time, it's sad she'll be moving far away this summer. But, let's be honest, we don't really see each other all that often now and we only live 30 minutes away. But I have already decided that when Gary gets back from his trip, then on a day he works swing (wjich is pretty much ALL summer) then he is going to watch the kids while Rachel and I have lunch without any kids. Then we can chat more. I do have to say, though, that my kids REALLY love Rachel. And I know what she's saying to herself as she reads this, "Of, course they do!!!! I am the coolest. All kids love me!" :) Which is true. 

After lunch we went to Kent's to pick up a couple things. I really only needed a couple. I spent $50!! And I got a lot of cookies and crackers. Why? You ask. When we are on a diet? Because they were on sale. And now I can take them to family gatherings, reunions, parties, etc.
And I bought a few more random treats for me and the kids, of course. One of which was a "banana dipping kit". That was a big hit this afternoon. I mean, chocolate dipped anything is always better than just plain!!

And then it started raining.
Not literally.
The sun is actually still shining outside.
Just inside the home.
After Graysen's nap he kept telling me that his tummy hurt. This usually means he needs to go stinky. He insisted he did not need to. Then he made "the sound" and I asked if he needed to throw up. He told me no, started crying, and insisted he did NOT need to. Then, just seconds later he started throwing up ALL over the carpet in the play room. I ran over to him, but what am I to do? Carry him into the bathroom so there is a stream of puke ALL down the hall? Instead I just grabbed his shirt and he puked into that. I got him into the tub and started cleaning up. Kyri was a SUPER big help and was trying to keep Tanzi entertained and out of the puke. All the while Tanzi is screaming and throwing a fit. After getting Graysen out of the bath we went downstairs to have dinner.Graysen was just eating soda crackers and drinking some powerade. Kyri also wanted crackers AND some yogurt, so that's what she and Tanzi were eating. (I sort of lost my appetite, so no dinner for me) Then Gray got down from his chair and started throwing up again. I grabbed a cup that was on the table (and mostly full of water) to have him throw up in it. Then I was yelling to Kyri to grab her cup for me. She was fussing about it because there was also water in hers, but I needed something else. Well, apparently Gray didn't want to throw up in a cup because he started turning in circles, projecting puke ALL over himself, me, and the entire kitchen! So, I cleaned that up the best I could. And am thankful we recently bought a steam mop that I will be putting to use tonight. Then I put Gray in the tub....once again. Kyri was so good to stay downstairs with Tanzi and feed her yogurt :) That was also fun to clean. BUT I truly am grateful for Kyri! After getting Gray out of the tub this time I had him lay on a bed I set up for him in my room RIGHT by the bathroom door. And I begged him to go into the bathroom to throw up. AND I put a bowl right by his bed, in case he didn't think he could make it to the bathroom. 
Then I got the bath ready for Kyri and Tanzi. 
As soon as I took Tanzi's diaper off she peed ALL over ME!! 
Yep, it's POURING now!!
Then, while the girls were in the tub Graysen threw up ALL over himself (again) and ALL over his bed.
Back into the bath....for the 3rd time!!
I started crying!
I mean, seriously?!?!
While the 3 kids were in the tub I quickly cleaned up Gray's bed and got new sheets and blankets. I then got all the kids out and quickly got jammies on. Kyri was SO sweet! As soon as she had her pajamas on she said, "Good night, Gray! I hope you feel better soon!" And went into her room. She did ask me to read her one story, which I couldn't turn down since she had been such a HUGE helper and went to bed without any fussing. 
Since the girls have been in bed it has been slightly easier. Gray is in the room with me and I am able to make it to him with a bowl before he pukes all over everything. Plus, there is not much coming up anymore. I have, however, had to stop with this post SEVERAL times to help him. The poor guy can not stop throwing up!!
It looks like Gray is about asleep now. Let's hope he can get some good sleep!!
Instead of working out tonight it looks like I'll be doing laundry and a LOT of deep cleaning!
Oh, and did I mention that I have a pinched nerve in my lower back?
Raining cats and dogs around here!


Nichole said...

Hows Today?? Poor G!! Im so sorry. But what a good little helper Kyri was. AND super cute pic of you all!

tawn said...

I am so sorry for you! But I did start laughing at the part where Gray started spinning in circles and projectile puking everywhere. Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. Glad everyone seems to be doing better now!!