

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Past Week

Last weekend we took a quick trip up to Idaho. We stayed the night at my parents empty house with Tawn and her kids. It was a lot of fun, but really quite strange to be there without Grammy and Grampy! Then, on Saturday, we went to Blackfoot. First, we went to my nephew, Brock's, baptism. I even got to give a little talk on the Holy Ghost. I love seeing these young kids making such huge, life changing choices!! We are SO proud of him!! Afterward we got to hang out with my sister, Andrea (Brock's mom) and her family for the afternoon. It was so much fun to just relax, chat, and eat delicious food (and WAY too much of it!!)!

The kids had a TON of fun playing in the dirt!

Yes, still in their dress clothes.

But I'm not sure which they loved more, the dirt or taking a bath at Andrea's. They still talk about that bath :)

While the kids were playing in the dirt, under Gary's supervision, I got to do my nieces hair for her Junior Prom!!
I will be the first to admit that I'm not a pro and formal hairstyles. However, Miraya reassured me that it was very simple. However, she wanted a "waterfall braid", which I had never heard of. After watching a how-to video on you-tube it still took me FOREVER to figure it out!!
Eventually we got it, though.....and just in time, before her date showed up!

Pretty hair

The back

My "little" niece is not so little any more....she has grown into a VERY beautiful young lady!!
Love you, Raya!!

Last week we were outside and Graysen fell and smacked his head on the cement! It was a really HUGE, bruised goose egg. Here's what it looked like when it started healing.

You know we love good food! This is a really simple chicken salad. And we liked the idea of eating it in a tomato instead of eating all the calories that come in a slice of bread. I think it would also be yummy to eat it in half an avocado. We just used canned chicken, which made it even easier!

I really liked this, but I think it was a little spicy for the kids. Next time I think we'll just make some with and some without the jalapenos.

Before leaving for Idaho I was trying to pack and get ready to go. Gary took Kyri and Gray to the store with him, so I just had Tanzi. You would think I would be able to keep her out of trouble for 20 minutes. Oh, no! Quite the contrary.
I walked into her room to find this:

She was taking all her clothes out of her drawers, leaving a trail....

...and putting them into this suitcase.

I guess she wasn't really trying to get into trouble, she was just trying to be helpful.....RIGHT?!