

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Well, I started the LAST post last night, but couldn't finish it.
Because I got the stomach bug that my kids had!
BOO :(
SO not fun!!
The good thing was that I did not puke until after all my kids were in bed. One thing I prefer not to have an audience for.
But, boy, I tell ya, this is NOT a fun bug to have!!
I'm actually feeling quite a bit better now, but it has not been a fun day!
I just wish Gary was here to help with the kids. Kyri and Gray were pretty good today, but Tanzi has been crying non stop for the last 2 days! In fact, she cried a lot in the night last night, but I was so sick that I never went into her room to get her. I had to just let her cry herself back to sleep! It was sad, but I couldn't do anything from the bathroom!
Then she woke up at 5:30! Ugh!! Why is she SO grumpy lately?!
And Kyri and Gray woke up at 6!! Of course I can't even get a break on a day I'm sick!
Well, needless to say, we stayed home from church. The plus side of that is that I didn't have to deal with all 3 kids at church by myself. The down side is that I had to listen to them fussing and crying at home all day and didn't get a break during Primary. I felt bad, too, because our President is out of town this week, so that left the 1st counselor and the secretary to do everything! Good thing they are so awesome and I didn't have to worry too much about it!!
I am just mostly sad because we were going to go down to Tammy's tonight and have dinner with them. Gary's parents are there too. Then we were going to stay the night and do something fun with them tomorrow. It seems like we are ALWAYS sick during FUN family events! But I know people would not be too pleased if we showed up and gave this to everyone. Nobody I know likes throwing up or likes cleaning up their kids throw up!
So, we're stuck at home for yet another holiday without Gary.
Anybody feeling sorry for me yet?
I do!!
Can you tell? :)
I least I have all the fixings for a super yummy salad!

being silly

All evening Kyri wanted to give Graysen a horsey ride. She even made him carry the baby bed on her! All the way from the toy closet to their room. It was hilarious!!
I am SO glad that they are the best of friends...even if it means they fight like the worst of enemies :)