

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Definite Monday

I knew it was going to be a rough day when both Kyri and Graysen woke up before 6:00am.
I listened to a lot of crying and fussing.
At least we had one thing to look forward to. We were going to meet my sister-in-law and her kids at the Treehouse Museum in Ogden. We have never been before and it was a discount day! 
Well, not only did my kids throw HUGE fits all morning long, but I asked them to make their beds and clean their room while I was in the shower getting ready. I told them that if it wasn't done by the time I got out, then we would NOT be going to the museum.
Kyri insisted she REALLY wanted to go! 
Since this is a daily routine I figured it would be done rather quickly.
Boy, was I wrong.
Not only was it not done, but my bedroom was a disaster with toys, books, blankets, and pillows!
I had had it!
And yet, I, too, really wanted to go to the museum. 
So, I gave them one last chance to quickly do as I had asked.
It did not happen.
Needless to say, we did not go to the museum.
Kyri was sad she couldn't see her cousins. And Graysen even said, "But I LOVE Zane!!"
Well, kiddos, believe me, I wish you would have listened too. 
I really do.
Instead we stayed home.
Yes, I am that kind of mom.
I listened to more crying and fussing.
The kids eventually made their beds and cleaned their room. They even cleaned my room! Too bad they didn't do it a few hours sooner!

The rest of the day was okay. I cut my friend, Keri's hair. It was nice to have some adult conversation. Graysen and Tanzi both took really good, long naps during that time, which was much needed.

I made Pumpkin Bread. We'll have it for breakfast tomorrow.
And I made Cuban Picadillo for dinner.

One funny thing from today:
When we were Skyping Gary this morning (we Skype in the morning because he's working the swing shift in Virginia), then the kids and Gary were telling knock knock jokes. 
Let's be honest, they are all lame....BUT we all get a kick out of them. Gary kept doing ones about "gus". Gus who? Fuss gus!
And then there was this joke:
Graysen: "Knock knock"
Gary: "Who's there?"
Graysen: "Gus"
Gary: "Gus who?"
Graysen: "Daddy throws a fit!!"
Oh, that kid kills me!!

The kids went to bed really good. They told me they were thirsty and I told them I was going to work out and then I'd bring them a drink. They were actually asleep by time I brought it to them, though.....and I never even heard a peep out of them!

Tanzi has been walking a LOT today. I think it really wore her out. Plus, she's still working on breaking a couple teeth through. I'm not sure if her cold symptoms are due to the teething or are just a cold. Either way she's been kind of grumpy. So, I'm glad she's sleeping good. 
A sleeping baby is a happy baby!
Just like a sleeping mama is a happy mama!
Good night!!


Nichole said...

We missed you at treehouse! Hopefully this next week we can figure out a time to get together!