

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today after Tanzi's morning nap we went to Kent's (yep, again!). I had to pick up a couple things for a dinner I'm taking to a family in the ward tomorrow. While we were there we picked up some flowers to take to Grandpa Jim's grave. They had little pinwheels there. I really liked them and decided to get one to put by the grave as well. Kyri and Graysen asked if they could also get a pinwheel....and I gave in, of course!! They thought they were the COOLEST things! And showed everyone in the store :)
Since the Clearfield Cemetery is close to Kent's it was very convenient to stop there on our way home.

Now, for those of you who do not know, Grandpa Jim was married to my Grandma Dora. They were only married for a short time before he passed away in 2000, but he was the only grandpa I knew on that side. He was oh SO good to Grandma, and he was also so very sweet to all of us!! Together they were able to serve a mission in Adam-Ondi-Ahman. Grandpa Jim touched our lives more than I think he ever knew.
I hate to admit it, but I have not visited Jim's grave since his funeral. I was worried that I wouldn't remember exactly where it was. It was super busy at the cemetery and I could just imagine what all these people would think watching me walk around with 3 little kids, carrying a pot of flowers, with absolutely no clue where to go. Some might call it luck (I call it guidance....probably from Grandma Dora.....although she has always enjoyed a great laugh), but I walked RIGHT to Jim's grave! I was SO glad we went. There was only one other thing of flowers on the headstone and it was on Kaye's side (Jim's first wife). Kyri and Graysen were so incredibly sweet. They both wanted to leave their pinwheels by Grandpa Jim's grave!! This is a man they not only never knew, but really haven't even heard a whole lot about.
I was so touched!

Memorial Day has always been a special day for me. I hope to one day instill in my kids what my parents have instilled in me. I have SO many wonderful memories of Memorial Day from growing up!! It makes me sad that this day has turned into just another day. An extra day off work. An extra day to get stuff done. An extra day to do yard work. Or to just be lazy. 
Growing up we always looked forward to going to Bear Lake for the day. EVERY year. We would always go visit the cemeteries. Paris, Bloomington, and St. Charles. It was a great time to talk about relatives. Learn about both my parent's fathers. Hear stories about my parents growing up. We would always wonder who we would run into at the cemeteries. There was usually some sort of relative, even if distant, that would be there at the same time. Sometimes, if the weather was nice we would spend a little time at the beach. The water was always too cold still too get into, but sometimes it was nice to just soak up the sun. One of my favorite memories from Memorial Day is going to my Great Aunt and Uncle's house. Uncle Lloyd was such a big, burly man, yet he was so funny and gentle with all us kids. And he would always give us treats :) Aunt Gwen, who is blind, always amazed me. I liked going up to her and having her grab my arm and feel all the way up to my head to feel how tall I was. She would feel my hair and pat my cheeks. And she knew which child I was. 
She could see me with her hands....and that was always a true inspiration!!
I guess, for my parents, it was always easy because the graves they wanted to both visit were so close to each other. This is not the case for Gary and I. However, I don't necessarily want to go to the same place every single year for Memorial Day. I do, however, want to instill in my children the importance of honoring those that have passed on before us. I want it to be a time to tell stories of ancestors. A time to recognize that the reason we are who we are is because of these wonderful people who have so bravely and honorably led the way!! 
I LOVE Memorial Day and always want it to be a special day for those that serve/served in the military as well as those that simply served their family and community.

Thinking of Grandma Dora and many others today!!

After visiting Grandpa Jim's grave, we went to Quiznos to get lunch.
We got 2 lunch combos (that includes the sandwich, chips, and drink) for only $8!! I don't coupon much anymore, but I won't pass up a good one like that!! :) The kids were happy to pick out their own chips. And they spilled their drink as soon as we got home. It was a pretty big drink. They were super sad! 

After naps I made more banana bread and then we went outside to ride bikes. Kyri is so SO scared to ride her "big" bike (witht raining wheels) She got on it once. I held onto her arm AND handle bar the ENTIRE time. She cried the ENTIRE time. We went to the corner and back. That was it. I hope Gary can instill some confidence in her!! Kyri's friend, Kolton, was practicing riding his bike down the sidewalk WITHOUT training wheels! She was impressed, but didn't care enough to try hers out. One day....

The kids all went to bed really good tonight, but Tanzi has been crying ALL day....AGAIN! I finally realized it's because she's a bit constipated :( Poor baby!! Looks like we will be making a trip to the store tomorrow....yet again! Baby prunes, pears, peaches....I think I'll stock up! Plus, I think she's a little dehydrated after being sick, and she's not drinking much. She LOVES milk but she's not even drinking much of that. I can't get her to drink juice or powerade, only a little water. Oh the joys!!

I didn't work out at all today. I feel fine, my tummy has just been a little unsettled still. I will try to get back into my routine tomorrow. Kyri even asked me today why we haven't gone on a walk "in a REALLY long time!!" 

Here's to a happy and healthy tomorrow!!