

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wednesday - Orange Day

While Kyri was at preschool the kids played with play-do.
Actually, Ms. Kate sent some yellow and red play-do for them to squish together to see what color it made.
It was an activity they were doing at preschool and she thought these kids might want to try it out too.
They did!!
My first attempt at a snowman
My 2nd attempt
The kids were very impressed!
I think it's cute that they had to touch it....just barely :)
I also love how Teegon and Graysen are matching with their green shirts
After play-do we did chalk
Cute kids!
Since it was orange day we dressed Kyri up in as much orange as we could!
Her leggings are sort of a yellow-orange, but I thought they were perfect because they actually say "Wednesday" on them.
How appropriate.
To start the day off we were ALL wearing orange (even Tanzi), but before preschool even started Graysen got his shirt soppin' wet and had to change....and by the end of the day Tanzi was out of her outfit too...a blow out? Spit up? I can't quite remember.
Silly kids!
That night when I checked on the kids I found Tanzi like this.
It's the first time I've seen her sleep on her belly!
And I haven't seen it since.
I've been saying that I think she would sleep better on her belly.
Well, she had a terrible night.
Maybe I was wrong.
After the kids were in bed I spent some time cleaning.
Even though the house wasn't spotless I felt a little better about life.
I had gotten behind on dishes because I forgot to start the dishwasher....for some reason I'm okay with the rest of the house being a disaster as long as I can have a clean kitchen.
I HATE waking up to dirty dishes!

Since I haven't been updating every day I know there's a lot that I don't remember.
However, we have been able to Skype Gary every night, so at lest he's been informed of each days going ons :)