

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Last Few Days

Thursday was such a COLD, rainy, day!
All the more reason to play outside, I suppose.
The kids really wanted to play out in the rain, so they bundled up.
Yes, Graysen is wearing Kyri's PINK crocs. Needless to say, they did NOT keep his feet dry. I guess we ought to invest in some boots for this fella.
Why is it that I never have the clothing or accessories on hand for Gray, but I always do for Kyri...poor brother!!
Kyri kept making this face at me.
No explanation.
Graysen mowing the lawn in the rain
Tanzi loves getting up on her hands and knees and then rocking back and forth.
Some might say she is close to crawling.
I say she just barely realized she can roll ALL over, so it may be a while.
However, I couldn't ever get a picture of her up on her soon as I would snap a shot she straightened her legs...silly baby!!
On Friday we took a family outing to PCMC for Graysen's appointment with a cardiologist.
I forgot my camera and am SO mad about that...for more reasons than one.
First, Gray got lots of "stickers" all over his chest so they could do an EKG.
Plus, we paid a visit to the NICU so we could see McKell and she could love on Tanzi for a couple minutes :)
It just would have been nice to document our day at Primary's.

Everything checked out good with Gray's heart!!
Even though nothing was wrong with Kyri or Graysen's heart when we took them into Primary's I am grateful we took them in. I love that our pediatrician, Dr Sigg, doesn't take anything lightly. If he feels there is any chance of something abnormal he sends us to the specialists! And it is so good to know that their heart murmurs are normal and never will be a problem for them.

The kids took the stickers off Gray's chest and put them on their hands.
I was able to get some good pictures when we got home.
Gray showing off his stickers
Kyri wanted more stickers than Gray did.
Another reason I wish I would have taken my camera?
Kyri wore her hoodie and sunglasses the ENTIRE time we were at PCMC. Pretty much everyone we passed in the hall or saw in the elevators, etc, commented on her sunglasses. She actually looked a bit like a ragamuffin, but at least she's the very cutest ragamuffin EVER!
Cute kids!
Me and my girls!!
Tanzi also realized she actually knows how to sit up on her own!
And Graysen was SO cute because he brought his blanket downstairs just so Tanzi could sit on it.
What a sweet brother!
Yes, my 4 year old still likes sitting in the high chair.
Strange child :)
It's not hard to see why I love spending my days with these kids!!
"Exploring" with binoculars and a magnifying glass
Today Kyri went to her friend, Henry's, birthday party.
When we went to pick her up Henry's mom also gave Graysen a cool pirate mask, telescope, and balloon. Oh, he was pleased as punch!! Thanks, Hannah!!
We've had a fun few days. We even had a visit from Gary's brother Todd and his CUTE as ever pregnant wife, Heather. (If you couldn't tell, I wish I looked that good when I'm pregnant) The kids were SO happy to be able to "play" with Todd and "Header"!

We love visits from anyone, actually, so any and all of you are welcome to come by any time!

The other day I was on one of my "deal" blogs I like to check and saw a deal on a laptop. Gary has been looking for one so he can take it on his business trips to do homework.
He actually has a trip coming up in about a week and will be gone for 3 weeks!! So, we decided a laptop would be nice so we can Skype! The kids will be SO happy to be able to see their daddy even when he's so far away!
The deal on the laptop was on Amazon and was for only 2 hours. We acted fast and 2 days later here I am updating the blog while sitting in bed, watching a murder mystery :)
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, Love!
It's a nice computer :)

Gary is in Logan right now at a football game. He asked if I wanted to go,but I really didn't. It's too cold and football games are too long. USU basketball games, on the other hand, are a completely different story. And I'm looking forward to going to a game this season. And for those wondering, yes, Gary has toned down his Aggie pride...but just slightly :)

Tomorrow we are having the missionaries over for dinner.
Sweet pork burritos.
And I wish I could say Gary can take Tanzi during RS since he's leaving me with all 3 kids for 3 Sundays, but, unfortunately, he has to teach YM, so no break for me. Oh, well, at least my birthday is coming up and I can be spoiled then :)