

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thursday - Travel Day

Today we went to Logan and I finally got to meet baby Victoria!!
She is SO sweet!
Both Kyri and Gray really wanted to hold her, and as they were I realized that they never did get to hold Tanzi when she was this "little"...less than 2 weeks old....although, Victoria is bigger (weighs more) than Tanzi did when we brought her home.
They did get to hold Tanzi the day she was born and then the day after. Then they never even saw her until she was over a month old.
It brought a tear to my eye....just like everything does...and I felt especially grateful that day that baby V is healthy and home!

Tanzi is very interested in this naked baby!!
Tawn was saying that baby V looks like Aunt Jemima with this hat on :)
Sorry about the light issues...I was struggling with my camera for a minute
But isn't this a cute picture?!
I got to Tawn's in the morning and then my parent's came a couple hours later.
We enjoyed some lunch from Rumbi's and then my dad was going to go over to Tremonton for a Chiropractor appointment and I was going to cut and color Tawn's hair and Grammy was going to watch all the kids :)
Well, Tawn's neck has been hurting for a while, so she took dad's appointment...and he drove her.
So, Grammy and I took all the kids to the park behind Tawn's house.
The kids had a ton of fun!
Even Tanzi thought it was a good time
Playing in the trees
(I could NOT get Alyssa to hold still for 2 seconds so I could get a picture of the front of her)
I didn't even start on Tawn's hair until after 5!
And I gave Grampy a haircut too.
We didn't leave there until about 7:30...good thing I thought to take pajamas for everyone!
The kids were all exhausted, but had such a fun time playing with their cousins and Grammy and Grampy!
It was the perfect day out of the house!!

Oh, and I was thinking I was just getting started with all my picture taking of baby V and our day, etc....then the camera battery died!
Of course.
That is just my luck!
More pictures next time :)