

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Birthday Details

I had such a FABULOUS birthday!!
It started off great when Tanzi slept through the night! She just woke up at 5am to eat and went back to sleep. Then the kids slept in until after 7!! Both were birthday miracles! Too bad I was up for a couple hours in the night with the world's worst headache :(

We made waffles with "candy syrup" and hash browns for breakfast.
Then Gary took Kyri and Graysen to the store and I put Tanzi down for a nap, then I took a nice, long, hot bath.
I'm not really sure where the time went during the afternoon, but I do know we all had a good time. The kids were REALLY good. Gary had a dentist appointment in the afternoon and then he came home and made me a DELICIOUS dinner!! We had cocktail shrimp, steak, broccoli and cheese, and roasted potatoes. And after we put the kids to bed we finished making cake bites. We made chocolate/peanut butter and strawberry ones. Oh, they are SO good. In fact, I'm eating some as we speak :) The strawberry ones are SUPER sweet (and delicious), but the chocolate ones aren't so much. We just used peanut butter instead of peanut butter frosting and it turned out perfect! The 2 kinds are a good combination.
To top it all off, my sister, Tawn, had her baby girl last night. I can NOT wait to meet this baby girl who has the most awesome birthday EVER :)

Here's OUR baby girl...getting herself stuck under the bed...and being quite happy about it.
Birthday snuggles!!
Pay no attention to the fact that Gary and I are not good at dipping...this is not the first time we've realized this...just not our thing, I guess.
Tonight we used the leftover pork from Sunday's dinner to make nachos. We even made our own chips. And, boy, were these GOOD!!
Tanzi had another good night last night. She slept until 4am and then until 7:30. I would like to think this is a new routine, but I always get my hopes up just to have them dashed to pieces when Tanzi has a bad few weeks. So, I'm just going to be grateful for each good night as it comes.

Today I took Kyri to the dentist to have her cavities filled.
Did I take my camera?
No, of course I forgot!!
But she was such a champ! She watched Peter Pan and got laughing gas and held really still the entire time!
I'm so proud of my big, brave girl!
Too bad we all looked so homely today. I dropped Gray off at the neighbors because I didn't have the car and as I left I realized I never combed his hair, he was wearing just sweats, and had a dirty face. Then Kyri was wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday, we didn't do her hair,and she also had a dirty face. And after we got to the dentist I realized I never even put my make-up on today. And, even though I actually got Tanzi ready today Gary thought her outfit looked like pajamas. Oh, we were quite the bunch today. You see, I sort of forgot about the dentist appointment and was just planning on having today be laundry and cleaning day (which is normally Monday, but it was my birthday, so we relaxed instead) and it all showed in our appearance.

Here's to hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.
And let's hope I can remember the camera for Kyri's preschool field trip...


Todd and Heather said...

dipping cake bites is so hard. for the baby shower we are going to try and put lollipop sticks in them to make cake pops and maybe they will dip better

tam said...

Those nachos look scrumptious as well! I still have a hard time getting my cake bites to dip well! It is fun trying though!

The Martinsen Family said...

You are amazing! glad you had a great birthday:) sad you had a sad day the next day:(

I fell in love with the Allen cook blog. My family has a blog, but its only of memories we had growing up, but we never remember to update any of our memories:)