

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Underwear? Under There!

Tanzi had a bad night.
She woke up around 1 am and I finally got up with her around 1:45. She was stinky!! I think that's the first time she's had a stinky diaper in the middle of the night since she came home from the hospital!!
Then she wanted me to feed her, but I just gave her her binky and rocked her for a while.
I couldn't go back to sleep after that.
I finally fell asleep close to 3:30, then AT 3:30 Tanzi woke up again!!
I was so tired I just got up and fed her.
She slept til 6....I fed her again.
Then she slept until after 8!!

Kyri and Gray woke up at 6:15!!
I was SO tired and was hoping for a nap today.
That didn't happen.
I guess I better go to bed early tonight.

When I was making breakfast this morning I heard a gasp from Kyri.
When I looked at her she pointed to Graysen, but didn't say anything.
It took me a minute, but then I saw a HUGE spider on his chest.
I didn't want to freak him out, so I calmly (but quickly) brushed it off his shirt.
When he saw the spider on the floor he said, kind of excitedly, "Oh!! A fly!!"
I wish it was just a fly!
Good thing it wasn't Gary that had to kill the spider...I think the whole house would have been freaking out! :)

Today Graysen told me he wanted to wear his underwear without his diaper.
I didn't want to discourage him, so I let him, but wanted him to play case there was an accident.
He had one about 10 minutes after getting his underwear on!!
I put a diaper back on him for his nap and afterward he wanted to go pee. His diaper was wet, so I threw it away and told him he could just play outside...naked. What boy wouldn't jump at that chance? Graysen. He threw a fit and wanted me to put his wet diaper back on. Then threw a fit because he just wanted his underwear on.
Did I mention that he threw a fit?
Well, this is what we ended with:
He later went stinky in these underwears, so I told him from now on he just has to wear his diaper and can take it off to go peeps and stinky on the potty, but I am NOT cleaning up accidents while Gary's gone.
Can't do it.
I would go insane!!

Graysen has had a runny nose for weeks now!
We're planning on going to Logan to see baby Victoria on Thursday so today Tawn text me and asked how Gray was doing.
My response?
"He's MUCH better!! Now his nose only runs when he cries....which is ALL day..."
And that's the truth.

I love this picture because it kind of looks like Tanzi is the one taking the picture :)
The kids all had a rough afternoon.
They were all fussy....and naughty!
In the late afternoon/evening Tanzi just cries and wants to be held.
It's SO hard because I just have to listen to her cry while I make dinner. And then I'm trying to make her happy and then I have to listen to Kyri and Gray cry because they're hungry and I'm not making dinner fast enough!
Tonight I made spaghetti squash with a YUMMY sauce.
It was SO delicious!!
Kyri, Graysen, and myself ate the ENTIRE squash!!

After giving the kids a bath we got to Skype Daddy!
The kids are always so silly in front of the camera. It doesn't really show how rough things have been all day!!
The kids did help me clean a little today, though. Hopefully we can finish still looks like a hurricane hit.
It's just SO hard for me to get caught up!!

ALL 3 kids were in bed and ASLEEP by 7 pm.
There is still some hope for my sanity!
After they were in bed I had to pump.
Even though Gary is gone I still feed Tanzi a bottle every night at 6. It's just our routine, so I figure I might as well keep with it, even though I don't love pumping. I am now finding it kind of relaxing. I have a good excuse to not think about the house work that needs to be done, the laundry, dishes, etc. Maybe I should pump for an hour or something :)

I miss Gary.
I miss reading scriptures with him. He reads in Polish and I read in English. And I ask lots of questions. And he just listens to me. But we're sitting right next to each other and the TV is off and no one is at the computer. And we are bonding.
I miss that.


Hickmans said...

You are one busy woman! Your kids are all so cute. I cant believe how big Tanzi is!

Nichole said...

Its going to be a long few weeks. Wish I could help or do something to make it easier or go quicker. Dev works crazy long hours and I think ive mastered some small tricks to semi single parenting. Ill share. Embrace the mess. So hard to do but seriously. Just accept that things are going to be crazy and messy. I keep the dishes done and the occasional load of laundry and and any major disasters- like orange juice on the floor or something. But I sure as heck dont clean up toys. To keep from going stir crazy and getting furstrated with kids and home I LEAVE! Costco anyone?? Kangaroo zoo, new parks you havent been too- anything and anywhere, get me out of the house! But maybe I wont think thats as fun when I have 3 kids.. Freezer meals! We should have planned this better and had a freezer meal party. I cook about 15 chicken breasts in the oven then either chunk them or shred and stick them back in the freezer, but then they are ready for chicken meals. You are a fancy cook, dont be these next few weeks! some faves while Dev is MIA- taco soup, tator tot casserol, lasagna,baked potatoe bar, or totally random things like cheese crisps, fruit and veggies..your a great Mum! Hang in there. And if you really just need out come to Evanston :) Luv ya!!

Gary and Mauri said...

OH Love, I really just miss you too much and I know it won't be long until I am home again.

Gary and Mauri said...

OH Love, I really just miss you too much and I know it won't be long until I am home again.