

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Friday

Most Fridays are SO great because it means the beginning of our weekend. The beginning of our time with Gary for a couple days. But today I have had mixed emotions about it being Friday. While I'm glad we get to have Gary home ALL day tomorrow I am sad that we are that much closer to him leaving for 3 weeks!
That's far too long.
I'm already missing him...and he's sitting right next to me!!
I don't want Sunday to come.

Today was a really fun day!
We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather.
The kids talked me into taking them to "the big park", which is a little farther away than the park we normally go to. And it has 2 playgrounds.
The kids had fun,but there were SO many kids there! I've never been there with so many other people! It was crazy! Wasn't it a school day today?
Then there was a boy who wasn't being very nice and the kids told me they were ready to go home.

It's been a while since I've put the kids in the triple stroller.
The last time we used it Tanzi had to sit in the back because she couldn't sit up yet.
Which meant Kyri had to sit in the front. And there was so much weight on the front wheels that I couldn't turn the corners. So, whenever we came to a corner Kyri would get out of the stroller and then get back in after we turned the corner. makes me laugh just thinking about that.
Well, today Kyri didn't have to get out even once...I pushed all 3 kids the entire way!

Gray's big head getting in Kyri's way
A better picture of Kyri girl
I love that I took 3 pictures and never did get a good one of all 3 kids.
But I love even more that this shows all their true personalities....which makes it a pretty good picture :)
Tanzi has been on rice cereal for a couple weeks now.
Recently we decided to add prunes to her cereal. Not because she's been constipated, but because for her entire life she has had tummy issues and we just thought we would try this to see if it helps "regulate" her. So far so good. She doesn't seem to be having a hurt tummy as often and gets more poop out when she does go. So, I guess we'll keep it up for a while until her body seems to get the hang of things on their own.
Anyway, today we started baby food for the first time.
Green beans.
For the first couple bites she didn't seem to mind
But that didn't last long
She didn't even eat half of one of those tiny jars.
So, for dinner I mixed it in with her cereal and prunes.
It was a success!!

Gary really wanted to roller blade outside with the kids when he got home from work today. I'm sure part of the reason is because when he gets back in 3 weeks the weather might not be as roller blade and bike friendly.

After a while of going shoeless, Kyri decided to put on her boots.
Getting a push from Daddy
Faster, Daddy, Faster!
Graysen is getting really good on sister's scooter.
And I LOVE his face in this picture!!
Even Tanzi got a push!
The kids had SO much fun outside with Daddy!
They definitely didn't want to come in for dinner tonight.
We made nachos, again, with homemade chips. They were delicious...again!

I think all the playing outside really wore the kids out because they all went to bed SO good tonight.
And here I am updating the blog while we watch a murder mystery on Dateline.
Oh, how I love these shows!
Too bad I can't watch them for a few more weeks. Nope, freaks me out too much without Gary being home!
So, now I'll go enjoy a good murder with my's about a woman who may...or may not...have been killed by her husband....should I be scared?!?!