

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, Monday

Well, Kyri and Gray both slept until 7:oo am!!
Too bad Tanzi had a terrible night...and woke up at 6:30!!
It's just not my luck to have all kids sleep til 7...unfortunately.

This morning we made Pumpkin Muffins with chocolate chips for breakfast.

We also roasted our pumpkin seeds today.
But I had to take them out of the oven slightly early because my friend, Jen, text to see if we wanted to meet at Arctic Circle for lunch.
We did want to.
I turned the oven off, but left the seeds in the oven.
Even though they could have used 10-15 more minutes they are still very delicious!!

The kids had a lot of fun at lunch.
To be honest, we have never taken our kids to a restaurant with a play place.
My friends were shocked.
In fact, our kids don't know "McDonald's" or "Arctic Circle" or anything.
They know "drive-thru"...that's it.
So, they loved it!
And I loved that it was special for them and not the norm.
They were a little out of control, since some of the other kids were being wild, but they had a great time!
Except the time Davis pinned Kyri on the stairs because he didn't want her "playing with the animals".
Kyri cried. Davis got a time out.
We later found out Graysen was trying to pull Davis off of Kyri!!
What a GOOD brother!
Oh, that brings a tear to my eye.

When we got home Gray and Tanzi went down for a nap and Kyri and I worked on her workbooks.
This seems to be our new routine.
And I'm okay with that.
In fact, I'm kind of loving it because every day I realize how smart Kyri is...and she makes me SO proud!!

Want to hear a secret about Kyri?
At the beginning of the year, in Joy School, Kyri made a goal she was going to work on for the year. Every other child chose to have the goal of learning to write their name.
My Kyri girl?
Her goal was to learn to read!!
At first I thought, "Seriously, Kyri? You just turned 3!!"
Well, I'm not saying that she'll be able to read by the end of the year, but I AM saying that I think she'll be awfully close.
Way to go my sweet pea!!

Tanzi really does know how to get up "on all fours" :)
Go, Tanzi, go!!
Scooching her knees a bit :)
Tanzi makes me laugh when I feed her because after each bite she just opens her mouth and patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) waits for the next bite.
Why the red eyes? Oh that's because she cried all afternoon!
The only time she wasn't crying was when I was holding her.
Yeah, as you can imagine, I am already missing Gary.
I think part of it is because I know he's going to be gone for a long time and so I'm already dreading it and think that it's already hard!
Someone tell me to just buck up!

About an hour before dinner the kids had grapes, kiwis, and apples. I never care if they eat a lot of healthy snacks, even if it IS right before dinner. But since they ate so much of that I knew they wouldn't eat much dinner so I just made them a grilled cheese sandwich. And I had these for dinner, but with chocolate chips, of course :) Yes, I'm serious. That's what I had for dinner.

While I was feeding Tanzi her cereal and making the kid's sandwiches, they decided they would practice their Frisbee throwing
Gary worked with Kyri a bit in the last couple weeks and she's getting really good...
See the pink Frisbee?
She threw it right to me!!
Tonight we got to Skype Gary.
It was JUST what I needed.
I was sort of about ready to lose my mind.
All 3 kids were fussing and not listening and there was fighting and crying.
Oh, his call came at just the perfect time!!
It made the kids SO happy to see their daddy too! Tanzi was even being happy!

Kyri has been working really hard at saying her personal prayers.
We really slack at reminding her to say them in the mornings, but she got a paper from Primary that has been helping her keep track of her prayers AND scripture reading.
So, tonight she was saying her personal prayer.
She did REALLY good!
Her prayer went something like this,
"Heavenly Father, please bless I can sleep good. And bless my dreams.
And please bless we can't pick our noses anymore!"
And I'm really not sure what she said after that because I was too busy laughing!!
It's true, though, Kyri and Gray BOTH have a serious nose picking problem...and I'm not sure how to stop it.
Maybe praying about it will be the key!

The kids all went to bed SO good tonight.
I made sure Kyri was asleep when I took Graysen in.
Neither of them ever got out of bed tonight!

The house is an absolute disaster!
I debated on whether I should clean or blog.
I knew what Gary would rather have me here I am :)
Tomorrow better be a cleaning day, I guess.