

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Catchup

My turn to take a turn with an update. I must say I am really enjoying this new Laptop. This is the first laptop I have ever had and it makes it easier to do things. It will really be worth it when I am out of town for work and can skype and communicate with the family. It will also be helpful to do my schoolwork while I am away from home.

Last night I went with Dustin to the USU vs. Wyoming football game. I try to get to at least one game a year. Last nights was a good one to go to. After the first 3 minutes of the game, the Aggies dominated, which was fun to watch. It was also fun to spend time with my brother.
Today was an interesting day. Shortly before church the power went out at the house. It went right back on in about 10 seconds thought. We didn't think anything of it until we got to church and the power was out there. I guess the church is on two different power grids because some lights worked and others didn't. During Sunday School, we lost all power to the church. As a result of no power, church got cancelled and we got to come home. I thought it was funny because it was a bright shiny day and you could still see fine with the light from the windows. Oh well, we came home and started getting things ready for the missionaries who were coming over for dinner tonight.

We did pork burritos for dinner with the missionaries. Luckily the power stayed on at our house so the crockpot continued to cook the pork. The missionaries liked it and it always makes Mauri and I remember when we were serving in the mission field.

This wasn't a very exciting post. Mauri is much better at updating the blog. Now I get to think of something special to do for Mauri's birthday tomorrow. Any and all ideas are welcome!