

Sunday, October 16, 2011

He's Off!

Before getting into today I need to make mention of a couple things I forgot in the last post.

We haven't worked much with Graysen on potty training. Gary keeps telling me he wants to potty train Gray, but he really hasn't had the time. (And I'm more than willing to let Gary do the potty training!!) Anyway, lately Graysen has been wanting to go peeps on the potty. So, if he wants to we let him, but we don't push it.
Well, yesterday Kyri was going potty and Graysen told me (about 20 times) that he was going to go peeps when Kyri was done. When he got on the potty I kept asking him if he had gone yet and he kept saying, "No, not wet (yet)" And then he said, "I'm going stinky!" And about 5 seconds later he said, "Me all done, Mom!"
I wasn't expecting to see anything in the potty, but sure enough Graysen went stinky in the potty!!!
Time to start potty training?
Nah, I'll wait til Gary gets back and let him do it :)
But I'll let Gray go potty ANY time he wants!!

Last night the light in the kid's room was on and after quite a while Gary went in and turned the light off. Later I went in to check on the kids and this is what I found:
How ironic that it was the Obedience tape he ruined!!

This morning Gary went in to kiss the kids goodbye around 5:45
They never went back to sleep :(
Before he left Gary said it was worth it.
Worth it to who?
The one who leaves and doesn't have to deal with tired, fussy kids ALL day!
I'm glad the kids got to say bye to their daddy, but boy did we have a rough day!

In fact, I told them they had to take a nap before church.
Graysen fell asleep just after 9 am and Kyri went in around 9:15, but after 30 minutes Kyri came out and said, "I already took a nap!"
She didn't, but at least she tried.
I had to wake Gray up about 10:15 to get the kids dressed and ready for church.

Tanzi fell asleep during Sacrament in her car seat.
Kyri and Gray were actually really good, but then Kyri had to go potty.
I tried to get her to wait 10 more minutes until Sacrament was over, but she couldn't. I left Tanzi and took Kyri and Gray. Of course once we got in the bathroom Graysen decided he wanted to go potty too. I didn't want to say no, so I let him (try...nothing actually came out), but then I had to put his wet diaper back on him!! Oh well.
When we got back into Sacrament Tanzi was awake and Brother Arnold, who was sitting behind us was just rocking her car seat with his foot. Haha....of course she woke up while we were gone!! Thank goodness for nice people!!

During Relief Society Sister Reynolds told me she wanted to hold Tanzi. And she held her the entire time. And when Tanzi got fussy Sister Reynolds just stood up with her and never once thought about giving her back! It was SO nice!! And she didn't even know that Gary's gone and thought that might help give me a slight break! What a fabulous ward we live in!!

Gray and Kyri with their pumpkins from the pumpkin patch....just before we cut them open.
And, yes, Kyri is wearing her pajamas over her shirt and Gray has a filthy face.
They had fun helping me get all the seeds out.
Actually, Gray would take about 5 seeds out and then ask sister to get the rest.
And she did AWESOME!!
It wasn't until the kids were in bed that I pureed all the pumpkin.
And I can't wait to try some yummy recipes with it!!
Looks like tomorrow is going to be baking day. (Good thing I got all the laundry done on Saturday!)

Gary called this afternoon and let us know he made it to Texas.
We miss him already.
Tanzi fusses whenever she sees me. It's like she wants me to hold her or feed her or something. Too bad I won't get a break from that for a few weeks...she's always good for Gary when I'm not in the room :)
Gary informed me that his hotel does not offer free Internet...which may mean no Skype. The kids will be SO sad! But he's going to try to see if it's something he can get his work to pay for :) Now that would be nice!!

When Gary's home our normal routine is that after dinner he takes all the kids upstairs and gets them into the tub and I clean the kitchen.
When he's gone one of two things happens. Either the kitchen doesn't get cleaned up after dinner...until the next day. Or the kids don't get a bath and I listen to them cry about not getting one.
It's a lose/lose situation!
Ah well, it's not forever. I can handle 3 weeks.
Can't I?

Since the kids were up so early I figured I would put them to bed early. Kyri was SO tired. I put her down at 6. Normally I turn music on for her to listen to (unless she loses out on that privilege), but tonight she told me she didn't want music. She said she was too tired. She crawled into bed and I thought she was asleep before I left the room!
I took Gray in 10 minutes later and Kyri was still awake and had nothing on but her panties!
Normally if she's still awake she will still just go right to sleep.
Not tonight.
They were up for 2 hours after that!!
I went in and turned their light off 4 times!!
If they don't sleep til 7 tomorrow morning I am not gonna be a happy camper!!
And since I've also been up since about 5:30 I guess I better get to if my kids do decide to wake up early tomorrow I won't lose my mind....completely.