

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

3 weeks old...already!

Well, we finally got some answers form surgery!! And what did they say? They said that it is ALL up to Tanzi. And for now she still has WAY too much output from her Anderson. So, we will just wait...and wait...and wait. It looks like it will be quite the wait. The surgery site is not healing very fast. At all. But it does look like it's healing. So, that's good news.
We also learned from the GI test yesterday that Tanzi has a reflux problem. It's hard to say how serious it is since she doesn't normally have anything in her tummy to be coming back up. And what IS in her tummy is being sucked out by the Anderson tube. We will know more about this once she is actually getting feeds into her tummy. Also, there is very slow motility in her digestive system. They said that she may eventually need medication for this in the future (maybe even in the next few weeks) and that there is even a possibility that she may need surgery to help correct this.

Where's Tanzi?
Today was Group Therapy. We brought the kids this time. Hey, it's free lunch. And we can use free anything these days! There were a couple moms who had babies at PCMC a few years ago. They talked about their experiences and how their children are doing now. It was good to hear that there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I talked to baby Emma's mom, Julie, this morning. She told me it looked like they were going to be able to take Emma home today! I'm SO happy for them! Their journey is far from over. In fact, it will be a life-long journey for them, but at least they will be able to experience it at home! As hard as it is to see some of the friends I'm making going home I couldn't be more thrilled for them! I wish them all the best!

After Group Therapy we had an appointment for Kyri and Graysen to have "Sibling Hour". Since they still can not go in and see Tanzi then they got to have their own hospital doll that they got to bring home and were told about all the tubes and wires that are hooked up to Tanzi. I think this was especially good for Kyri, who is always asking about baby Tanzi. Now she has her own little "sick" baby that she can take care of, just like the doctors and nurses are taking care of our Tanzi. I failed to take a picture while they were at Sibling Hour, so I will have to take a picture of the kids with their dolls tomorrow!


Brandy and Trent said...

Mauri oh mauri! How much I admire you for going through all your going throigh I spent a few days at the u and went to some drs over at pcmc they are super amazing there and I hope I can be as strong for my baby asyou are for yours