

Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a pretty fantastic Easter!!
In the morning the kids woke up to ANOTHER Easter basket (pretty sure this is the most spoiled my kids will EVER be on Easter....thanks to PCMC!!) and hidden Easter eggs. I REALLY wish we knew how to put our videos onto our computer so we could post them on here because Kyri and Graysen were hilarious to watch on their Easter egg hunt! They were ridiculously excited with each and every egg they found!
It was priceless!!

Here they are with their baskets...full of goodies! They each got a sing-a-ma-jig and thanks to PCMC they each got a new, soft blanket!
I'm not sure why Kyri is looking so reverent in this picture. I surely wish this is how she would be during family prayers!!
Checking out the goodies!
Kyri got a Rapunzel blanket...awesome!!
And Gray LOVES his sing-a-ma-jig!
After church we colored eggs!
I could NOT get Kyri to look at the camera!
But check out her awesome purple egg!
A couple times when I turned my back I would hear Gray say, "juice!" and when I turned back he would be drinking the dye!!
We had a lot of fun celebrating Easter! Tanzi even got yet another basket at the hospital (but I keep forgetting to take a picture of it). This one was donated and has a cute onesie, a bib, a blanket, a toy, a book, some lotion...spoiled baby girl!
We talked to the kids about why we celebrate Easter...I sure hope they are actually learning. This year Easter was filled with gifts, but how truly grateful I am for the most magnificent gift of the Resurrection of our Savior!

While Gary took the kids to church, I went down to spend some time with Tanzi. I didn't want her to be without family on Easter Sunday!! Shortly after I got there the NP came to talk to me. She said she wanted to start Tanzi on feeds. She then proceeded to tell me that we would start her on a VERY small amount. About 7 mL every 3 hours. And then she said that we should expect this to be a very LONG process. And what she meant by that is we will begin to think that we will never leave PCMC! She said that we will begin to think that Tanzi's little corner is our permanent home!! She said she just doesn't want to rush Tanzi's feeds. She wants to make sure she can tolerate it before we advance her feeds. Her stomach and that first part of her intestine need to we will take it slow and keep her on the same amount of feeds for about 3 days before even thinking about increasing them. She also told me that Tanzi may not even want all we try to feed her and to not force her to eat it all. Well, shortly after that when she was telling the RN to go ahead and start the feeds she decided to start with 10 mL's instead of 7!! So, for those of us who speak in American 7 mL's is only .236 ounces, but 10 mL's is a whopping .338 ounces...every 3 hours!
And I got to be there to feed Tanzi her very first food by mouth....EVER! (even though I was trying to nurse the first couple days after Tanzi was born she really didn't eat much....because her stomach was already full of bile and she didn't ever feel hungry!) Right before I fed her Tanzi was so SO sad!! But as soon as I gave her that bottle little Miss Tanzi went to town! Not eat it all? Oh, she downed it! The nurse said, "Oh, she's doing really good. She's doing the suck, swallow, breathe." I said, "Uh, I don't think she's breathing!!" She inhaled it!
I said, "She's been waiting for this her WHOLE life!!"
I am one proud mama!!
Showing off her incision.
When I came home and was telling Gary about everything I also said, "Oh, yeah, and her belly button fell off." Kyri was QUITE concerned! She asked, "But WHY did her belly button fall off?!? Where did it go?!?!" You really have to think about what you say and how you say it when there is a 3 year old in your presence :)
So, I took Tanzi an Easter dress. This is a little preemie dress that used to be Kyri's and I thought it would be perfect for Easter. And after I dressed Tanzi in it I could NOT stop taking pictures. Here are just a FEW from the many I took.
A face Tanzi often makes.
Note the nice little scratch Tanzi gave herself RIGHT before we started taking pictures...of course
Pretty little princess
LOVE her!
Now, I'm no photographer, but this is a pretty stinkin' good picture, if you ask me!!
And to think that these photos don't even do her justice!!
Yep, an absolute ANGEL!


Jolene said...

LOVE your blog! ALL the pics are so dang cute. Thanks for keeping us updated on everyone :)

tam said...

It makes me smile every time I see a picture with the tubes out of her nose and mouth! What a sweetheart! Sometimes when you are only taking pictures of Tanzi she seems bigger than she is, but with that binkie in her mouth it shows how tiny she really is!!