

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 in the NICU presented some surprises for us! They are good surprises though, which we are very grateful for. So Tanzi has a checklist of things she has to do before she can leave the hospital and we were able to check off the first one of being transfered to a crib. She is able to maintain her own body heat she she was moved to a crib. We were so happy to see the crib when we went in today instead of the heating bed.
They also took her off the pain medication and are only giving her Tylenol now, again, a really good sign of recovery. She is getting more and more fed to her every hour. She is up to 2 ml every hour. Her milk is bypassing the area of the surgery and going through the stint they put in to try and get the rest of her digestive system working properly. I never thought I would be so happy about poopy diapers, but Tanzi had two today! This is a good sign that the rest of her digestive system is working the way it should.
We now continue to play the waiting game and watch for the little steps of progress everyday!

Her new crib with her name on it.

This was just a really cute picture of her all snuggled up in her blankets.

Daddy holding little Tanzi and trying not to get tangled up in all the cords and tubes.

Tanzi's nurse McKell dressed her in this really cute outfit. This is the first time she has actually been dressed in something other than hospital clothes.

Tanzi was trying to hold down her diaper because she wanted to show everyone her incision where they operated on her.

We love our little Tanzi, she is such a blessing in our lives!


Nichole said...

Im so impressed with primary's! I love the little things they do for my sweet neice, like the cute name tag, and the bows and cute clothes. If I ever fall into a pit of money I will give them a lot :) SO THRILLED about the progress, amazing news and big steps! and horray for POOP!

tam said...

Hurray Tanzi! I bet you have never been so excited to have a poopy diaper! I am so excited to hear of the progress she is making!

Sharee said...

I'm so happy she is getting better so quickly!! I can't wait to meet her. :)