

Friday, April 29, 2011

28 Days and Counting

I love when it is my turn to go see Tanzi. She is just so cute and precious. I love just snuggling her and holding her. Tanzi continues to improve. We took a little nap together today and that was really nice just having her sleep on my chest, it is one the best feelings in the world. I love her so much.
When I was sitting in on rounds with the Doctor and nurses, they kept calling Tanzi their "Rockstar" because she is doing so good. They are going to just keep increasing the amount of her feeds until she is up to full feeds as Mauri mentioned in the last post.

She was smiling so much right when I got there, but I wasn't able to snap off a picture fast enough.
Getting bigger and bigger!
I was able to catch her dimple in action. All three of our kids have one dimple on their right cheek and none on the other. I love it.


Lindsay said...

That is sweet that all your kiddos have the same dimple! :) She is a sweetie. I'm glad to hear of all the improvements.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear she's the "rockstar." Tanzi is beautiful. You can definately tell she belongs in your family. She looks a lot like your other kiddos--or does she? I think she does. Love you guys!

Dan & Staci said...

It is so great to hear that Tanzi is doing so well. That is awesome! She is beautiful!