

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 7

Not a lot to report from day 7 in the NICU. No changes except her feeding every 12 hours. When I left today they were getting ready to increase her feedings to 9 mL/hour and in the middle of the night they will increase it to 10mL. Gary was able to see and hold Tanzi before he went to work today. He even did her "cares". That includes changing her diaper, taking her temperature, changing her oxygen monitor from one foot to the other, and measuring her tummy. However, Gary and I never measure her tummy. We leave that to the nurses. They all tell us how important that part is for Tanzi because if it starts measuring big they know there is a problem with how things are working in her intestine and if things are getting backed up into her tummy. We don't want to mess around with that, so we leave it to the pros! And I was able to do her cares before I left. It's nice to feel like we're doing something to help take care of our baby girl.

Tanzi's new corner.
There's a lot more room here. And it's much quieter! It's not by the main hall, like her other bed was. Machines rarely beep. And she is surrounded by 4 other girls! Not any boys in this room. It seems to be the "big girl" room because they are all "average" sized babies. We don't know too much about any of them yet, but it sounds like most of them were full term, not preemies. One baby has a chest tube, which makes bubbling noises, like boiling water. It's really quite relaxing.
We like our new spot! The only thing we miss is the window view we had.
Isn't she precious?
A new outfit!
It's funny because some nurses love getting her changed and others could care less if she was just in her diaper all the time. So, in some ways it's nice having a different nurse every 12 hours....we love the ones that appreciate a girly girl!!
And we think the knitted mittens are a much better touch than the socks!


Sharee said...

She's so cute and I can't wait to meet her!!! And I can't wait to see you soon and talk to you again. I hope you guys are doing well and holding up.

Love you!