

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 23 at PCMC

Today did not present us with as much good news as we wanted. HOWEVER, it did not present us with any bad we are very happy with that! We were hoping to start feeding Tanzi by a bottle today. When the medical team did rounds they did not want to start any feeds until they first talked to the surgeon. Later, Dr. Meyers came by (after I already left for the day) and told McKell to go ahead and take the Anderson tube out. I think this is a VERY good call since Tanzi has pulled it out multiple times today anyway :) But she (Dr. Meyers) also said that we will not be starting feeds for at LEAST 12 hours after the Anderson comes out. They want to make sure everything still seems fine. Right now Tanzi is tube free and just on a central IV. So, if all goes well tonight then sometime tomorrow morning we will try to feed her by mouth!! YEA!!

Tanzi was really fussy most of the time I was there, so I really never got any great pictures of her! Here she is showing off her outfit. This is the very FIRST outfit that we actually took to the hospital. All other outfits she has worn have been provided by the hospital (along with her headbands) I have been worried about taking clothes from home because I don't want to lose them. We have a lot of onsies and pants that are just plain and I don't really care if Tanzi doesn't fit in them when she comes home, but there are a couple outfits that are just super cute and I was worried Tanzi would grow out of them before she came home and got to wear them. McKell told me that we could put labels on everything I take and put a sign on Tanzi's crib to check for the labels so we can get the clothes back. So, I waited until I knew McKell would be our nurse for the day and I took a few outfits in. This morning McKell dressed her in this cute blue outfit that used to be Kyri's with a matching red bow (provided by the hospital). Too bad she doesn't have a smiling face to match her cute outfit.
I think the reason Tanzi was so fussy is because 1) She is not used to her body functioning normally, so her tummy and bowels hurt from all that's going on down there and 2) this girl is STARVING and just wants to EAT!! Yep, definitely part of the family!

Here's Tanzi trying to pull out her Anderson. She was successful one time when I was there and when McKell was putting it back in we thought Tanzi might cry a bit, but instead she looked like she was trying to gobble the tube up! It was pretty funny...she will try to eat anything that goes into her mouth!
Today while at the hospital I was able to put together little Easter baskets for the kids. We have stuff at home that we will give them tomorrow for Easter, but I thought Kyri and Graysen would like it if the Easter Bunny left them a basket at the hospital too.

Here's Tanzi with her basket
Kyri and Gray with their baskets.
They would NOT hold still for the picture. This was the best one I could get. And by this time most of there stuff was out of their baskets anyway.


TWoodseresa said...

you guys have the cutest kids. and they have great personalities it looks like

tawn said...

Uhm, Graysen is getting HUGE! I haven't seen your kids for awhile it seems... and they're growing right up! They are SO stinkin' cute, and we can't wait to see them. (and you too of course) :) Luv ya!

The Martinsen Family said...

Thanks, sorry for the weird question. I wanted to get/send you something, but didn't know what, so I thought headbands would be cute for her to have at the hospital. I love seeing all of her pictures. Hopefully she gets to go home before I get the headbands in the mail. Fingers are crossed and prayers are being said for her to go home with you soon.