

Monday, April 25, 2011

Graysen's Birthday Bash

We had a fun time celebrating Graysen's birthday Saturday evening!! Things have been crazy with Gary and I spending so much time with Tanzi and with Gary working and going to school, but we didn't want our little man to feel forgotten! Gary worked most of the afternoon/evening on Gray's I bathed the kids and got them ready for bed before we even started the celebrations. Hence, the pajamas in all the photos.

Here's the best shot I could get of Gray and his presents
All that hard work DID pay off!
Isn't it A-mazing?!
Graysen wanted a "choo-choo" cake and Gary is not one to disappoint!!
The birthday boy!
Gray's attempt at blowing out the candles. Good thing his sister was close enough to help!
Opening presents
Who's birthday was it?
Kyri could NOT let Graysen do it himself! Typical 3 year old, right?
Graysen's new Toy Story chair!
Now he won't have to fight with Kyri over her princess chair :)

So, that cake is obviously more than our little family could eat in one sitting, right? Well, today I got home from seeing Tanzi just before Gary had to leave for work. I asked Kyri what Daddy made her for lunch. She replied, "Oh! We had cake!! I had TWO pieces!!" Really, Gary? Cake for LUNCH? Yep, that's what they had! Needless to say, there's really not that much cake left anymore! Spoiled rotten kids! :)

We hope Graysen had a GREAT birthday! We just love him SO much! It is SO hard to not have a smile on your face when Gray is around. He has SO much personality and is just the sweetest little boy! He absolutely LOVES babies and we can't wait for Tanzi to come home so he (and Kyri, of course) can love on her and so he can actually be a BIG brother! He is the BIG 2, after all!
Love you, buddy!!


Jolene said...

Dang cute kids. And Gary, what a great looking cake! Maybe you've found your true calling in life ! :)

tam said...

Gary I LOVE the cake! Isn't it so fun to do! You did a great job! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAY!!!

Sandy Mecham said...

It is good to see Greyson not wearing Jacey's old pjs.