

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Days 16 & 17

Well, there's not too much to report from the last 2 days. We are just still waiting. Today I was there to talk to the MD during rounds again and was there when the surgery team came by. Dr O'Brien, the MD, wants to see what we can do to move things along so Tanzi can get regular feedings and come home soon. However, the surgeon, Dr Downey, said he thinks Dr Meyers (the Dr who actually performed Tanzi's surgery) will wait a while before deciding to make any changes. But he thinks Dr Meyers will evaluate Tanzi on Friday anyway, but Dr O'Brien wants to call her tomorrow to see what she wants to do! I'm just glad I don't have to decide when to call or make decisions....I'll just wait and see what they tell me. Today I did ask about the strength of the suction on the Anderson tube. Last week (or whenever it was) they found blood in the output from the Anderson so they decreased the suction from 40 to 20. Today I noticed it was back up to 40, so I asked Dr O'Brien and Felice (the NP) about it. They said that 40 is protocol, 20 is very unusual. But tonight when I got home Gary said he saw blood in the output yesterday. I'll have to bring that up tomorrow.

Yesterday I stayed home with Kyri and Gray and Gary went down to spend some time with Tanzi. And she even got a couple of visitors!!
Here's Grandma from Bunkerville with our little angel!
Grandpa came to visit too, but he didn't actually ever hold Tanzi, so we never got a picture of him!
I think Tanzi always looks her size (small) when we post pictures of someone holding her rather than pictures of just her.
Showing off her outfit for the a nice foot-up pose!
Nice spiky hair
(click on picture to enlarge)
Tubes, tubes, and more tubes!
This is how I found Tanzi when I got to the hospital today (Sunday)
It may look like a mess, but she didn't seem to mind...she was out cold!