

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday - LAST Week

So, since the kids had been sick for a few days and we had been stuck in the house I was REALLY looking forward to getting out of the house today.
I got the kids all ready and we went to get in the car and the car was DEAD!!
The trunk was open and I assumed the kids got a hold of the keys and opened the trunk, but I never realized it because we hadn't gone anywhere in days, but I think the light on in the trunk must have run the battery down.
Well, since Gary took the shuttle to the airport I had both cars, so I decided I would jump start the car.

Here's proof that I really did try
I pulled the Toyota to the side of the house and ran the cables through the side door of the garage.
Unfortunately, I think the battery on the Toyota is a little (or a LOT) weak and I couldn't get a charge from it :(
Why not just take the Toyota?
Oh, because I can't fit all 3 kids in it!
By this time all 3 of the kids were crying, so I decided to bag getting out of the house today.
On Wednesday my friend, Kate, watched Kyri and Gray so I could go to the store.
And on Thursday my AWESOME neighbor, Brother Nielson, came to my rescue.
When he came to my house he asked if I just had cheap jumper cables from Checkers. I said, "I don't know. Probably."
He said, "Well, I MADE mine. Them cheap ones from Checkers won't always work, but THESE will work EVERY time!"
Haha!! I love that man!! (In a grandfatherly way....don't worry)
And they DID work!!
And not only did he jump start the Honda, but he also took the Toyota to his house and cleaned the battery!!
Seriously AWESOME!
However, he did tell me that he had trouble starting the Toyota after he cleaned it....because it's such an old battery, but he also told me we had really gotten our moneys worth out of it.
I haven't tried starting the Toyota again, but I"m hoping it still runs!
If not, I know who to call for a jump start :)