

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Tuesday morning we left Pocatello and went to Logan.
Grammy rode with us and I think the kids thought that was pretty cool!
I dropped my mom off at Grandma Dora's (where she met up with dad) and then the kids and I went to Tawn's.

This obviously isn't a very good picture of baby V, but you can see how happy Gray is to be holding her!
playing with the baby stroller
getting a love in on Grover :)
Kyri loves holding her baby cousin!
What a pair!!
My mom came over to Tawn's and let us leave all 5 kids there while we went to visit Grandma Dora. It sounds like the kids didn't always get along, so thanks for watching them, Mom!!
We stopped at LaBeau's to get a raspberry shake for Grams, since she's not eating much these days.
Tawn fed her the shake and when we asked her if it tasted good she would shake her head no, but she kept eating it it must not have been too bad :)
I'm not sure Grandma recognized us, but it was so good to spend time with her anyway.
I told her that the raspberry shake reminded me of the raspberries she used to grow in her garden. We asked if she remembered that. She did. We asked about a few other things and she did remember them. Even the LONG title of the thesis she wrote many years ago.
She was even able to remember a few cuss words :)
And I told her that she doesn't have to worry about anything else she can't remember because she wrote it all that WE can remember.
I'm so glad for her writings!!
It's hard to see my Grandma in the state she's in.
She is so helpless.
I am very grateful for the time we had with her.
It was precious time!!