

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Last Wednesday

Today was Kyri's preschool Halloween party. We got to go for the last hour, but for the first hour we just hung out at the house.

Teegon is in the older class and his party is tomorrow, but he told me he wanted to dress up for when we went over to Kyri's party.
I didn't have any costumes that would fit Teegon, but I did have some ears :)
How cute are they?!
After I took these pictures Teegon and Jaden decided not to wear theirs.
The first thing Kyri did when she came outside was hug her brother!
How precious is that?!?!
They performed a couple Halloween songs.
I love that Kyri and Gray are holding hands.
While it makes my heart melt that these two are the best of friends, I also really worry about Kyri not socializing with the kids in her preschool class.
I worry about a lot of other things too....just like any other mom.
But for a small second I will try to enjoy this moment.....
because THAT is just precious!
they had some fun activities for the kids at the party
it was such a FUN day!!