

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saturday - Monday

Saturday morning we went to Pocatello to stay with Grammy and Grampy for a few days.
We had a lot of fun and got REALLY spoiled!!
I have a ton of pictures so I will TRY to keep my words to a minimum.

Just playing with some toys
I love that she often has the deer in the headlights look
Kyri LOVES snuggling her Grampy!
They were watching The Shaggy old black and white film...Kyri loved it!!
The kids went to bed late at Grammy's and Gray never took any naps.
So, you would think he would be so exhausted that when I put him to bed he would go straight to sleep.
Think again.
Instead, he first lined the toys up at his feet.
The next night we had to take the toys out of the room....he dumped them all out before I even got downstairs to put him to bed!!

Gotta wear orange on Halloween!!
Happy to be at Grammy and Grampy's
Getting ready to go to the park
It was a little chilly, but we wanted to do something fun and Grammy and Grampy had told the kids about this new park in town called Brooklyn's Playground

We picked the perfect time to go that day because it wasn't very windy or freezing cold like it was the rest of the day.

Kyri LOVED the red swings!
Tanzi looks relaxed and she WAS having a good time, but she was making sure she held on for dear life!
Graysen loved when Grampy would push him really high!
LOVE it!!
What a FUN swing!!
3 kids in swings
They didn't love this tire swing as much as I thought they would, but they sat on it long enough for me to snap a picture
Trying out some of the toys myself
I even talked Grammy into trying some too!!
There was one toy we tried together when we first got there...we both ended up super dizzy!
Lovin' the slides!
Here he comes!!
As you can see, it was not the nicest day, but the kids had the time of their lives!!
And you can also see that this playground is ginormous!! (so big, in fact, that my mom and I were talking about how you would have to just follow your kids around-which we did-because you can't just sit down and see them wherever they are would be an easy target for a predator to hang out. Sad, but true.)
There was SO much to do.
It was truly amazing!!
You better believe we'll be going back there again....when the weather warms up a bit :)
Playing in the leaves that Grampy raked up....for the purpose of playing in :)
(Gray didn't want anything to do with the leaves)
My dad is kind of one who steers clear of the babies. He likes to wait until they're about 2 and can REALLY interact with him. So, naturally, Graysen and Kyri LOVE being with Grampy and "helping" him with things.
Well, my dad was SO cute with Tanzi this trip!
He was SO helpful and held her a lot.
She LOVES to be held....and was always good until she saw me and then she would cry.
This isn't a good picture of Tanzi, but I love how you can see Grampy playing with her.
These two were VERY cute together....Tanzi sure thought Grampy was hilarious :)
Graysen fell asleep on the couch by me on Monday. It was SO late in the afternoon, but he fell asleep almost instantly when he laid down and I knew he was exhausted, so I let him sleep for a bit
When Graysen woke up it was time to get ready for the Trunk-or-Treat at Grammy and Grampy's church....
see how happy he was about that?!
It didn't take long for him to perk up!!
(candy is a great incentive)
Grampy handed out candy while my mom took the kids around
I say my mom took them around because not even half way through we saw one of Tanzi's friends from the NICU.
I have kept in touch with his mom and knew she lived in Pocatello, but didn't realize she was in my parent's stake!
It was so nice to chat and catch up.

The kids got microphones in their bucket.
They were (and still are) a big hit!!
Oh my cutest little monkey!!!
LOVE it!!
And after 2 Trunk-or-Treats this is what the kids came home with!!
It makes me sick just looking at it....this is the largest bowl I own!!
And this is the candy that we still have leftover from LAST Halloween...and they didn't even get half as much candy last year!!
Anyone want some candy?
It's FREE!!

Oh, I forgot to mention that Sunday was the Primary Program in my parent's ward.
It was a GREAT program...and not just because my mom is the music leader, although I'msure that has someting to do with it too :)
And Kyri got to be part of it!
She sat on the stand...and she even got a speaking part!! She did SO great!!
Let's hope she does just as well at her program next Sunday!
Thanks for such an AWESOME weekend Grammy and Grampy!!