

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday - Thursday

Wednesday was preschool day.
Kyri always looks forward to that!
She slept in until 8!! I couldn't believe it! She must have been catching up on all the sleep she lost out on at Grammy's.

The day was fairly uneventful.
We went to Walmart and bought discounted costumes for upcoming Halloweens.
I don't know if we'll keep them all.

Just before putting the kids to bed I had Kyri go potty.
Of course then Gray wanted to go too.
He sat down and told me his peeps wasn't coming....but his stinky was!!
And he went stinky on the potty.
He hasn't gone peeps or stinky on the potty for a while so it was a nice surprise!!

I decided that today (Thursday) needed to be a cleaning day.
This morning Kyri and Gray were playing SO well together, so I just let them play while I cleaned.
But then they were just creating more, bigger messes!!
So, eventually they had to help me clean up.
Kyri was a great helper!
And Graysen was not so much.

I found him wearing one of Kyri's dress up dresses...backwards...over his jammies
the fact that he called it a shirt instead of a dress made me feel better about him wanting to wear it....again
And then he changed into a different one!
And, yes, he is playing with baby dolls...who often have to go to time out.
What a silly kid!

Today the kids were all kind of rotten!
Tanzi is teething and just unhappy....ALL the time!
Kyri slept in until 8 again, but she was up twice in the night and just acted tired all day...I hope she's not coming down with a bad case of naughtiness or something!! :)

Today I changed 5 stinky bums on Tanzi, 2 on Graysen, and helped Kyri wipe her bum twice when she went stinky!!
They were the poopin'-est kids EVER today!!
At one time they all managed to be working on a stinky at the same time....
it was incredible
(incredibly stinky, that is!!)

I can't wait for Gary to come home.
Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day!!