

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

some recent photos

Well we're up and running once again! Silly computer. Anyway, here are a few recent photos that I tried to post last week. Better late than never....and still as cute as ever!

It's so funny being stuck under the couch!

Kyri enjoying a day in the chilly as it was...she was watching her daddy wash the car

what a good little helper

She's cute...and she knows it!

Gary LOVES his new car...and washes it at least once a week...what a good husband!


tam said...

My van is needs a good wash (hint hint)

Kyri is such a doll. I love her big smile! I love all the pictures

brittany schley said...

As always, she is so stinkin' cute. Wish we lived a little closer to each other. If I didn't have to work I'd probably come see you all the time. One of these days....sigh.

Jolene said...

She IS stinkin' cute. Can't wait for your next visit so I can kiss those little cheeks!