

Thursday, April 17, 2008

pity party?

Gary says I always like to have pity parties for myself....and that's just not true!! I would much rather someone else have one for me! So here are my tales of woe: it has been made very clear to me that not very many members of my family check out our blog. Okay, my mom is the ONLY one of my family members who accepted the invite. I knew something was fishy when I posted the American Idol poll and there have only been a hand full of votes. You see, my family is very much into American Idol...and so I expected them to vote on our poll, but instead I found that they don't even look at our blog!! What is happening to them? Thanks to Gary's family for pulling through and checking us out!! And to all of our lovely are all fabulous!
We recently came in contact (thanks Grandma Allen) with the largest lemon I have ever seen!! HUGE!! And here's some photos to prove it!

That's's a lemon


it must be


Pops said...

I love those lemons, I like to eat them like oranges. I guess that is where Gary got it from. I love her sour face.

Katie Jane said...

Yikes! That is one huge lemon. Yes, we would still love to do sushi so let us know when a good time would be! Sad that your family doesn't love you enough to check your blog...

Jolene said...

So, have you properly "informed" the rest of your family that they really should check out your blog? I LOVE it! They would too!

Oops, I didn't notice the Am Idol vote thing until you mentioned it. And I pretty much check out your blog every day for new pictures! hmmmm -- not enuf time to do that Tag thing, but it was fun to read yours!

Ben and Stacy said...

Those are the best lemons, I remember Grandma always getting them for Kristy also. She will be jealous!

brittany schley said...

Giving kids sour stuff is so fun. Others might think it's mean, but isn't it our job as parents to be mean to our kids? Haha. Gracie loves 'em. Miss ya. Let's plan our little get together for when the weather is warmer. That way we could go to a park and have a picnic or something...and Gracie would be busy playing on the toys instead of in my hair!!!