

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Sunday Afternoon

Gary left today for California, so I decided I better get going on our daily updates.
Before he left Gary actually came to Sacrament meeting with us.
He left after he took the sacrament and both Kyri and Gray took their turns having a mild meltdown.
There was something Kyri wanted to tell her daddy before he left
and Graysen just wanted his daddy.
After getting all tears under control Kyri had to go potty!
Which is a family evet when I'm at church by myself!
There was a few other rough moments during the meeting, but all in all it went pretty smoothly.

Today in RS they did a little Christmas lesson.
They had some people acting as though they were Mary, Joseph, the inn keepers wife, a shepherd, and the 3 wise men. They wrote their own parts, as if they really were these people, living at that time. There were some really great musical numbers too.
I loved it!
I just LOVE the Christmas season!!
It truly IS "the most wonderful time of the year!!"

After church I let the kids watch a Christmas movie (thanks Grammy and Grampy!) while I fed Tanzi. Gray fell asleep. I didn't want him up all night, so I only let him sleep for about 30 mins.
Then I woke him up and had him help me make dinner.

Then it was bath time!
Rub-a-dub-dub 3 kids in the tub!!
After their bath we got to Skype daddy!
But since he will be super busy with work this week, putting in extra hours, we will Skype him in the morning from now on.
The kids are already looking forward to tomorrow morning!!

After reading Book of Mormon stories we read 2 Christmas stories...then it was off to bed!
None of the kids went to bed very good tonight.
Let's hope that is NOT a sign of things to come in the middle of the night!!

I did one other post (make sure you check that) and soon I will be watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.
It is always a highlight during this season!!
Like I said, the most wonderful time of the year!!