

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Well, the day didn't actually start out so happy.
Kyri and Graysen both woke up at about 5:45....
and never went back to sleep.
So, our day started with fussing and fighting!
Before breakfast Kyri even had a time out for telling Graysen to "shut-up". Gary and I don't say that word, so I'm not sure where she heard it from. Toy Story maybe? They do say it on there. I guess it's not totally safe to let our little ones watch "kids shows". I have never heard Kyri say that before so I asked her what she said (to make sure I heard her correctly) and then made her go to time out. We then had a little talk about how that it not a nice word. So, when she apologized to Graysen she said she was sorry for saying "that word" to him :)

We made some pumpkin bread this morning for our ward Christmas party tomorrow morning. I've never tried this recipe and I'm not sure how it's going to be. I made some changes according to the reviews. And I thought about putting chocolate chips in it, but since Gary hates chocolate chips in his breads I decided to leave it out. However, I had a little extra batter and made muffins with it and I did add chocolate chips to those. And now I'm thinking that I definitely should have put them in the loaves too! Oh, well. I also think if I make this recipe again I will only do half the cloves it calls for. That's mostly all I can taste :( Oh, and I have 2 loaf pans. One is bigger than the other. When I checked the smaller one the toothpick came out clean. Spotless, in fact. The middle fell!! Totally not done. And then I think I may have overcooked the bigger one!

We met some friends for lunch at Arctic Circle.
The kids had a lot of fun. We stayed for nearly 2 hours. But towards the end Graysen was just SO tired and started crying about everything!
I knew it was time to go.
But we had to go to the store before coming home.
The kids were actually really good at the store. Tanzi even took a little nap. By time we got home it was 3:00 and even though Kyri and Gray were both exhausted I told them it was too late to take a nap and they could just go to bed early.

I then made some banana bread, because I'm not sure about the pumpkin bread and I KNOW the banana bread is fabulous!
And, yes, I put chocolate chips in them.
Graysen helped me make it while Kyri watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas and while Tanzi played in her crib (I put her down for a nap, but she never went to sleep).

Then we had pumpkin muffins and cheese for dinner.

As soon as I put the kids in the tub both Kyri and Gray started crying...about something.
At least Tanzi was good.
All the crying and screaming didn't seem to faze her one bit.
She LOVES bath time!
I told both Kyri and Gray that if I counted them to 3 they would get out of the tub and go straight to bed with NO privileges.
Kyri only got counted to one.
Graysen got to three.
So, he went to bed at 5:30....and I think he was actually happy about that. He was so SO tired.
Kyri and Tanzi were both in bed by 6:00.
Let's hope for a later wake up time!!

The reason I am most happy it's Friday is because Gary is coming home tonight!!
As excited as I am he's coming home I don't think I'll wait up for him.
He should be here around midnight.