

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

No Pictures of Our Fun-Day-Tuesday

Why do I never remember my camera on fun days?!
But before I get into today I have to share a couple things from the last couple days that I failed to mention.
First, on Saturday, for the first time Tanzi went from the crawling position to the sitting position all on her own!!
She entered a whole new world!
And now she is SO much happier!
Not only can she get ANYWHERE she wants, but when she is ready to sit up and play....
My baby girl is growing up WAY too fast!!

Also, I forgot to mention yesterday that Graysen decided it would be a good idea to write on my comforter with a permanent marker!
NOT a good idea!!
BAD idea!
In fact, he was really very naughty yesterday!!

But today was a much better day!
Despite the fact that Tanzi had a bad night after a few good nights.
AND despite the fact that Graysen woke up at 5 am!!
And I put him back in bed, but then he came back in my room around 5:30, so I let him get in bed with me.
He snuggled me...for a while...and I thought he went back to sleep (I know I did!), but then around 6 he started getting up and said,
"I going to play in the toy closet!"
I told him no.
He cried.
I gave him more snuggles.
And he finally went to sleep.
Kyri came into my room at 7
(she has gotten very good at waiting until her clock says 7, even if she wakes up earlier)
After snuggling with me for a few minutes she got up and turned the light on in the toy closet and started to play.
At about 7:25 I hear,
"But Kyri playing in the toy closet!!"
And he cried.
I guess he saw that the light was on that was still on his mind.
When I told him it was after 7 now and that he could go play with Kyri he told me he didn't want to, he just wanted to snuggle me!!
Oh, I LOVE my kidlets!!

We went to Brigham City today.
We stopped and visited with some "old" friends that I worked with at BATC.
Then we met Tawn, Alyssa, and Baby V at Idle Isle for lunch.
It was yummy!
And not too busy or noisy.
But that wasn't long enough for play time.
So, we went to McDonald's and got ice cream and let the kids play at the play place.
It was such a strange play place.
It was a "musical" play place.
A piano that plays when you step on it, a piano slide that makes music when you go down it, drums that sound when you jump on them, etc.
The kids had fun.
The signs said for kids 3 and under and then there was a little basket ball area for older kids?
They also had this little computer kiosk thing.
It was fun for something different, but I feel bad for people who live in Brigham and have that as their ONLY play place :)
I also saw a friend I went to beauty school with.
It was nice to catch up a bit!

After we got home the kids really wanted to take a bath....and they were in there for probably over an hour!
After their bath we had dinner.
I wasn't really hungry so the kids got to pick whatever they wanted to eat.
They had cheese, apples, and pears. With a trick-or-treat candy for dessert.
(I later had treats....for dinner?)
We read Christmas books before reading Book of Mormon stories and going to bed!

Now I'm going to watch The Biggest Loser, pump, and enjoy the quiet


WX Ences said...

You are so good at keeping your blog updated...I am very envious of your dedication.
I can't believe how big your little one is, she has grown a LOT!
Oh, and a high five for even attempting FHE for your kids! It has been a bit easier the last few years because my boys are older and have to do FHE's for their Faith in God awards so they do most of the work! It was so MUCH harder when they were young. Keep it up...I promise you will be glad you did, even if it doesn't feel like it's productive!
Good luck!