

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Silly Sister

Lately I've had to tell Graysen things such as, "Don't pull your sister's hair." Or, "No, you can't play with that, it's your sister's." So, Kyri, being the little mom that she is, has started telling him, "No, G! That's my sister's!!"

but what a good sister she is!

The other day we were dancing to Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy". Both my kids love dancing to this song. (If you're not familiar with it you can listen to it here on our blog, just scroll to the bottom and find it on our playlist) Well, since I'm all about cheap entertainment for my children and since I love playing and having fun with them I started dancing. You could say it was a little "crazy". Both kids were highly entertained and then Kyri said to me, in all seriousness, "Oooh! Good job Mamma!! Nice dancing!" Yep, it was that good!
Then Kyri was dancing in circles and said, "I'm gettin' busy!" (dizzy)

Here's a couple things her parents taught her:
She learned from her daddy what pirates say, "Arrrrgh, maybe!" Well, that's how it started, but she soon learned it was "matey" and occasionally calls Graysen that. Pretty cute.
And from her Mom, "Hey girlfriend!" Finger snap and all.

Yesterday Kyri covered her baby doll in stickers and said, "You're so beaufitul!"

The other day when the kids were in the tub Graysen got onto his hands and knees and started rocking back and forth, putting his bum in Kyri's space. She started pinching his bum and said, "Bum cheek. Bum cheek. TWO bum cheeks! G, move your bum cheeks, I'm here!!"

Every day we look forward to what Kyri's going to say because we know she always comes up with something funny. And she has such an imagination! The other day she was in a bit of a panic and asked me to hold her. I told her no and she started crying and told me that the puppy was going to get her. I asked what puppy and she said, through her tears, "That puppy! He nopened door! He came in the house. He's going to get me!" Now I will just wait for her imaginary friend to show up....


Anonymous said...

I love "Kyri Chat" That's the name I've given to her column. I'd love to see the dance moves that inspired her compliments to Mamma.

We do need to get together. I'm available on Saturdays. Andy works Sat. until April 15th so let me know when you're free. I'd love to see you guys more often.

Jeff and Ali said...

I'm dying with laughter! She is just too dang cute!

tawn said...

I can't wait for Alyssa to start talking... okay maybe I can wait. Besides, what if she doesn't say such cute things like her cousin Kyri?? I just love that Kyri girl! Can't wait to see you all again.