

Monday, January 18, 2010

9 Months...Already

Today was Graysen's 9 month check-up. Can you even believe he's already 9 months?!?! I can't. At his next visit, only 3 months from now, he will be one!! How did my little baby get so big so fast? How big? Well, today he weighed in at 18 lbs 15 oz! (about 30%) And he was 28 in long (about 60%). So, he dropped from being in the 75th percentile. Don't worry, it's not because we don't feed him, believe me, this boy can EAT!! But ever since he started crawling he goes as fast as he can to keep up with his big sister who's constantly running! We are so grateful to have this happy baby in our home!

Don't you think those eyes say "trouble"? Well, that is what he's constantly getting into!
Graysen now has 2 bottom teeth and 2 top. Of course, there's still more coming through, but now that his big buck teeth (his top ones really seem big) finally cut through we are hoping for less fussing and less drooling.
He still loves to smile at most people most of the time.
However, he has started this new yell thing. He yells at most things and some people (mostly me when he wants my attention). So I hear a lot of "Aaah!" from Graysen and a lot of "stop screaming in the house G!" from Kyri.
Graysen finally learned how to pull himself up to a standing postion. The sad thing was the few days it took him to figure out how to get back down. Every day there was at least one new bruise because he would fall on his head every time. Now he starts spreading his legs, like he's going to do the splits, and then finds his way to either his bum or his's much less painful...and really cute, actually.
I have decided that Graysen doesn't really like being a baby. Especially when it comes to baby food. He wants everything except that!! So he sure eats a lot of crackers in a day! The Dr said it's ok as long as he's still getting a little bit of iron (from baby food), so now I don't feel like such a bad mom when I give up on baby veggies and resort to crackers. He is still eating baby cereal in the mornings and usually eats his fruits. So, now on to table food...won't G be happy?!
I am sad that our little man is growing so fast, but so happy for all the new stages of learning and growing...
I can't wait to see what he will do next!


Sharee said...

Oh he's so cute!!!

tawn said...

So So cute!! I know what you mean about being sad and excited at the same time!!! They do grow up too fast! I hope I get to see you tomorrow! Love ya!

Jeff and Ali said...

What a handsome little man! We just love him!! He is growing up way too fast

Jeff and Ali said...

What a handsome little man! We just love him!! He is growing up way too fast