

Friday, August 7, 2009


Our Kyri girl sure is a silly one. She talks SO much ALL the time! It's hard to keep up with all the funny things she says. Here's just a few that I can remember at the moment:

nopen = open
nelephant = elephant
airpark = airport
eckersaucer = exersaucer
"gonk a head"
"kiss it better"
"oh darn!!"
"more strawbs (strawberries) please"
samich = sandwich
mere = come here
monkey one = Tarzan

The other day Kyri was helping me do dishes. I was washing them and she was rinsing them and putting them into the dish drainer (our regular routine). Well, that's what she was supposed to be doing. She started dinkin' around: drinking water from the dishes, splashing, getting sopping wet, the dishes were piling up on her side of the sink. I kept saying, "Kyri, quit messin' around you're getting behind." And every time she would stop what she was doing and look behind her. :)

stickers, stickers, and more stickers
The other day I heard this conversation from the other room:
Kyri: "Cheerios, Daddy. Please?"
Daddy: "Okay, go get one of your small bowls."
Kyri's feet: run, run, run, run ,run
Kyri: "Here a go Dada!"
Daddy: "That's not a bowl that's a plate. Go get a bowl."
Kyri: run, run, "Hehe. Silly. Silly Kyri!"


kevin and angie said...

Oh I love kids!!! It is so fun to hear the things that they say, and the way they pronounce things!! What a cute girl, can't believe how big she has gotten!!

brittany schley said...

grrrrr. i feel like i haven't seen you guys in like 67.8 years! love ya.

Katie Jane said...

She is stinking cute. I love stories of the funny things that kids do and when they start being so funny. I love it.

Jeff and Ali said...

Um, don't think it's possible to find people as cool as your family! We are trying to survive without you...We are doing okay though, and just keep waiting for a visit... Keep the pictures coming!